is it normal that it's slower than my device even though the agent is much more powerful than my device? or because it is just a simple code
According to the message above, can you try installing nbconvert
and re run it? You should be able to view the script in the uncommitted changed
` pip install nbconvert
conda install nbconvert `
is there a resources like youtube videos or tuotorials about using clearML? I watched and learned from ClearML chaneel in youtube but I think I need more to see maybe I have done something wrong?
ClearML Youtube (best ever) channel -
Guides -
you have tutorial and each section 🙂
is it normal that it's slower than my device even though the agent is much more powerful than my device? or because it is just a simple code
I'm not sure I understand. Can you elaborate please?
is there a resources like youtube videos or tuotorials about using clearML? I watched and learned from ClearML chaneel in youtube but I think I need more to see maybe I have done something wrong?
somehow the uncommitted changes (full script in the case) weren't detected
can you share the local run log?
after installing nbconvert
all the code is visible on the uncommitted changed
and under uncommitted changes you have the entire script?
👍 what do you get in the UI under EXECUTION -> SOURCE CODE ?
i run the code again then enqueue the task and for now it takes more than 5 min and still pending in the queue, I will see when it will run 😓
How did you run the original experiment? What version of ClearML are you using?
I posted another question if anyone is free to help and thanks a lot for you all for your kind help
Hi WickedBee96 ,
Are you running a standalone script or some code part of a git repository?
Hi Dina, can you show what you have in the "uncommitted changes" section? Also, is this part of a git repository or is it a standalone script?
is it normal that it's slower than my device even though the agent is much more powerful than my device? or because it is just a simple code
Could be the agent is not using the GPU for some reason?