Apparently found out a solution:dataset_zip = dataset._task.artifacts['data'].get()
will return the path to the zip file containing all the files (that will be downloaded to the local machine)
after that:import zipfile zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(d, 'r') files = zip_file.namelist()
retrieving the names of the files
unzip usingimport os os.system(f'unzip {dataset_zip}') # in this case to your script directory
and using the files
list one can them open them selectively
Since the "grand" dataset will inherit from the child versions you wouldn't need to have data duplications
ShallowGoldfish8 , I think the best would be storing them as separate datasets per day and then having a "grand" dataset that includes all days and new days are being added as you go.
What do you think?
Could you supply any reference of this dataset containing other datasets? I might have skipped that when reading the documentation, but I do not recall seeing this functionality.