Hi PanickyMoth78 we've just released an RC with a deadlock fix which might resolve your issue - 1.6.3.rc2 - please take a look and see if it works for you 🙂
Also a big thank you for so thoroughly testing the system and providing this amount of feedback, it really does help us make the tool better for everyone! 😄
Hi PanickyMoth78 ,
I've just recreated your example and it works for me on clearml==1.6.2
but indeed not on clearml==1.6.3rc1
which means we have some work to do before the full release 🙂 Can you try on clearml==1.6.2
to check that it does work there?
AgitatedDove14 I was able to recreate the error. Simply by running Lavi's example on clearml==1.6.3rc1
in a fresh env. I don't know what is unique to the flow itself, but it does seem reproducible
TimelyPenguin76 , this turned out to be the reason I was having locking issues https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1658761943458649 :
SweetBadger76 , CostlyOstrich36 : I've attempted essentially the same thing before https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1657124102133519 and I thought it had worked in the past so I'm not sure why it is failing me now.
LockException: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
I'm not sure I understand how you got to this error (obviously creating datasets and getting them back works), what is unique in the setup/flow itself ?