Hello Folks!
I Have A Pipeline With Three Tasks: A, B, And C
I Want To Set It Up So That:
A Gets Assigned A Machine (E.G. Based On The Queue)
B Always Gets Assigned To The Same Machine As A (But May Run In A Different Docker Etc.)
C Will Be Submitted To
CostlyOstrich36 yes, for the cache.
AgitatedDove14 I am not sure queue will be sufficient. it would require a queue per execution of the pipeline.
Really what I need is for A and B to be separate tasks, but guarantee they will be assigned to the same machine so that the clearml dataset cache on that machine will be warm.
Is there a way to group A and B into a sub-pipeline, have the pipeline be queued and executed remotely, but the tasks A and B inside it be treated like local tasks? or something like that?
2 years ago
one year ago