Okay, but are you logs still stored on MinIO with only using sdk.development.default_output_uri
s3://ip:9000/clearml ")
this is what I do. Do you do the same?
The api.files_server
is set to the MinIO endpoint s3://ip:9000/clearml (both locally and remotely) The sdk.development.default_output_uri
is set to the MinIO endpoint (both locally and remotely) When we call Task.init
I do not set the output_uri
at all I get the logger directly with task.get_logger()
Also I can see that clearml correctly loads the configSTORAGE S3BucketConfig(bucket='clearml', host='myhost:9000', key='mykey' secret='mysecret', token='', multipart=False, acl='', secure=True, region=None, verify=True, use_credentials_chain=False)
Thank you. I am still having the issue. I verified that output_uri
of Task.init works and also clearml-data
with MinIO storage works, but the logger still throws errors
yes everything that is downloaded is cached. The cache folder is in your config file :
` sdk {
# ClearML - default SDK configuration
storage {
cache {
# Defaults to system temp folder / cache
default_base_dir: "~/.clearml/cache"
size {
# max_used_bytes = -1
min_free_bytes = 10GB
# cleanup_margin_percent = 5%
direct_access: [
# Objects matching are considered to be available for direct access, i.e. they will not be downloaded
# or cached, and any download request will return a direct reference.
# Objects are specified in glob format, available for url and content_type.
{ url: "file://*" } # file-urls are always directly referenced
} `
Is this really working for you guys? I have no clue what's wrong. Seems so unlikely that my code works with artifacts, datasets, but not logging...
Is there a simple way to get the response of the MinIO instance? Then I can verify whether it is the MinIO instance or my client
It is. Let me see what else I have set up for MinIO in configs, one moment
Hey ReassuredTiger98
Is there any update from your side ?
I confirm that you need to put your key and secret in the credentials section of the configuration file . As Idan, I let my policy configuration untouched
So I suppose there is a bug in ClearML.
oups yes, you are right. output_uri is used for the artifacts
for the logger it is https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/logger#set_default_upload_destination
btw what do you get when you do task.get_logger().get_default_upload_destination() ?
But this means the logger will use the default fileserver or not?
Is sdk.development.default_output_uri
used with s3://ip:9000/clearml or
Unfortunately, not. Quick question: Is there caching happening somewhere besides .clearml
? Does the boto3 driver create cache?
Setting the api.files_server:
s3://myhost:9000/clearml in clearml.conf
This is the error I get from setting the logger upload destination.botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the PutObject operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.
Now trying changing the default file server.
After setting the sdk.development.default_output_uri
in the configs, my code kinda looks like:
` task = Task.init(project_name=..., task_name=..., tags=...)
logger = task.get_logger()
report with logger freely `
as long as you dont precise any uri when you init a task (with default outuput uri parameter), clearml will use the config file value registered into sdk.development.default_output_uri
The logs are on the bucket, yes.
The default file server is also set to s3://ip:9000/clearml