I'M Working On Lsf Cluster And Wonder What Is The Easiest Way To Use The Queue Without Having Permanent Agent Or Submitting New Agents To The Lsf System Periodically. Otherwise Is There An Option To Start Task Locally That Submit The Task To The Lsf Clust
Hi. I'm having a bit of trouble understanding here. To have something pulled from the queue you need to have a worker running against that queue.
I'm not quite familiar with IBM LSF, is it kinda like Google Cloud Run?
What do you mean by 'submitting new agents' to the lsf system? Do you mean running new agents on the platform?
You can execute specific tasks via the command clearml-agent execute <TASK_ID>
Otherwise is there an option to start task locally that submit the task to the lsf cluster then somehow to connect the task to the original task once it is running on the cluster?
Can you please explain with a more specific example?
3 years ago
2 years ago