I tried to use clearml-data
with PascalVOC2007 and something weird happened:
$ wget -q
$ tar xf VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar $ cd VOCdevkit/VOC2007 $ ls Annotations ImageSets JPEGImages SegmentationClass SegmentationObject $ clearml-data create --project Datasets --name PascalVOC-2007 $ clearml-data add --files * $ clearml-data close
At this point everything seems okay, everything uploads to our server etc
However, running clearml-data get
downloads the dataset without the hierarchy :
$ ls ~/.clearml/cache/storage_manager/datasets/random-dataset-id/ | wc -l 10447
This should return 5
What happened is that all the folders were flattened and forgot, and I wanted them to stay. What did I do wrong?