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Hi Everyone, We Train Our Ml Models Using The Aws Autoscaler On G4Dn Instances. We Currently Have A 24 Vcpu Limit For G Type Instances In Eu-West. I'M Trying To Get This Limit At Least Doubled Or Tripled. My Request Keeps Stagnating With The Service Team

Hi everyone, we train our ML models using the AWS autoscaler on g4dn instances. We currently have a 24 vCPU limit for G type instances in eu-west. I'm trying to get this limit at least doubled or tripled. My request keeps stagnating with the service team and has not been approved. Has anyone had this issue before?

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 11

Nope AWS aren't approving the increased vCPU request. I've explained the use case several times and they've not approved

Posted 2 years ago

Are you getting the error from boto failing to launch additional ec2 instances ?

Posted 2 years ago

This was the response from AWS:

"Thank you for for sharing the requested details with us. As we discussed, I'd like to share that our internal service team is currently unable to support any G type vCPU increase request for limit increase. 

The issue is we are currently facing capacity scarcity to accommodate P and G instances. Our engineers are working towards fixing this issue. However, until then, we are unable to expand the capacity and process limit increase."

Posted 2 years ago

AgitatedDove14 is any working on a GCP or Azura autoscaler at the moment?

Posted 2 years ago

Yep... they are pushing "heavy" users away from these instances. Nothing really you can do, maybe switch to Azure/GCP, but it might be the same there

Posted 2 years ago

gdn4.xlarge (the best price for 16GB of GPU ram). Not so surprising they would want a switch

Posted 2 years ago

Okay thanks for the update 🙂 the account manager got involved and the limit has been approved 🚀

Posted 2 years ago

Woot woot!

Posted 2 years ago

Yep, this is a limitation of the "low tier" G instances... I guess they want you to switch to the P instances?
Which G are you using ?

Posted 2 years ago

AgitatedDove14 can you share if there is a plan to put the gcp autoscaler in the open source?

Posted 2 years ago

GCP is being released to the SaaS and then should work its way to the open-source
Azure is till being worked on (only in beta at the moment)

Posted 2 years ago
11 Answers
2 years ago
one year ago