I Have A Situation Where I’D Like To “Promote” The Pipeline (And Dataset) By Creating It In A Completely Separate Instance Of Clearml Server Which Is Used For Production Retraining (Vs. The Dev. Clearml Server That Is Used For Experiments)
A) Is This Some
RoughTiger69 Hi 🙂
Regarding your questions:
Moving certain tasks/datasets from server to server would require a data merge. This process basically requires merging the databases (mongodb, elasticsearch, files etc.). I think it's something that can be done in the paid version as a service but not in the free. I think if you'd like to 'promote' tasks to production you can either work on a special project for that OR upload the models to S3 and then re-run the experiment and point it to the model Currently there is option to pass tasks between different servers. The agent can connect to any server depending on configuration but not pass data between them. I think you'd have to register the pipeline in prod "from scratch" for now
3 years ago
one year ago