now I'm curious what is the effect of _allow_extra_fields_
WackyRabbit7 I have a development backdoor for you 🙂 - but keep it between us 😄
Use this:task_filter = {"hyperparams.Args.model_name.value": "gpt-3", "_allow_extra_fields_": True}
We'll make sure this override will be the default in future versions
Well, the interface there is still not very tight (still relies on internal server schema, mostly) - we plan to design a better query interface soon.
Meanwhile, what you're after can be done using:task_filter = {"hyperparams.Args.model_name.value": "gpt-3"}
It basically allows you to sneak in custom request fields even if they don't currently match the schema used by the SDK for communication with the server 🙂
Oh, sorry, we don't seem to support it right now in the SDK side