I have my notebooks in a git repo and partially use nbdev for scripts
it knows it’s a notebook and automatically adds the notebook as an artifact right?
and the uncommited changes becomes the nottebook converted to a script?
In one case I am seeing actual git diff coming in instead of the notebook.
it might be there is both a git repository and a notebook and the git diff will show before the notebook is detected and shown instead ? (there is a watchdog refreshing the notebook every 30sec or so)
Is there some doc or relevant code on exactly what's happening? The behaviour has been random
Can I switch off git diff (change detection?)
I always have my notebooks in git repo but suddenly it's not running them correctly.
What do you mean?
Can I switch off git diff (change detection?)
Yes, Task.init(..., auto_connect_frameworks={"detect_repository": False})
I always have my notebooks in git repo but suddenly it's not running them correctly.
(I'll make sure it is added to the docstring because apparently it was not there