Hi, We Are Using Gitlab And It Is A Security Requirement To Use Ssh Keys To Access The Repos For Each Individual. We Are Also Using K8S Glue. Is There Any Provisions To Do This Seamlessly?
Hi, scenario as follows.
client.py runs task.execute_remotely(queue='myqueue', exit_process=True)
The API section of clearml.conf at client side is read in. client side calls clearml server and insert task into queue. K8S glue retrieves task from queue. Spawn a K8S pod. K8S pod performs git clone Error. ssh keys not found.
Each individual has their own key in the gitlab profile and gitlab is configured to only work via ssh.
We can't place the key in the image as this is as good as giving out the key for others to steal. We can't use the TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_USER as Gitlab is configured to only allows SSH.
3 years ago
one year ago