The following code is the training script that was used to setup the experiment. This code has been executed on the server in a separate conda environment and verified to run fine (minus the clearml code).
` from future import print_function, division
import os, pathlib
Clear ML experiment
from clearml import Task, StorageManager, Dataset
Local modules
from cub_tools.trainer import Ignite_Trainer
from cub_tools.args import get_parser
from cub_tools.config import get_cfg_defaults
Get the arguments from the command line, including configuration file and any overrides.
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
#print('[INFO] Optional Arguments from CLI:: {}'.format(args.opts))
#if args.opts == '[]':
args.opts = list()
print('[INFO] Setting empty CLI args to an explicit empty list')
Tmp config load for network name
cfg = get_cfg_defaults()
Connecting with the ClearML process
task = Task.init(project_name='Caltech Birds', task_name='Train PyTorch CNN on CUB200 using Ignite [Library: '+cfg.MODEL.MODEL_LIBRARY+', Network: '+cfg.MODEL.MODEL_NAME+']',
Add the local python package as a requirement
task.add_requirements('git+ ')
Setup ability to add configuration parameters control.
params = {'TRAIN.NUM_EPOCHS': 20, 'TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE': 32, '': 0.001, 'TRAIN.OPTIMIZER.PARAMS.momentum': 0.9}
params = task.connect(params) # enabling configuration override by clearml
print(params) # printing actual configuration (after override in remote mode)
Convert Params dictionary into a set of key value pairs in a list
params_list = []
for key in params:
Execute task remotely
Get the dataset from the clearml-server and cache locally.
print('[INFO] Getting a local copy of the CUB200 birds datasets')
train_dataset = Dataset.get(dataset_project='Caltech Birds', dataset_name='cub200_2011_train_dataset')
print('[INFO] Default location of training dataset:: {}'.format(train_dataset.get_default_storage()))
train_dataset_base = train_dataset.get_local_copy()
print('[INFO] Default location of training dataset:: {}'.format(train_dataset_base))
test_dataset = Dataset.get(dataset_project='Caltech Birds', dataset_name='cub200_2011_test_dataset')
print('[INFO] Default location of testing dataset:: {}'.format(test_dataset.get_default_storage()))
test_dataset_base = test_dataset.get_local_copy()
print('[INFO] Default location of testing dataset:: {}'.format(test_dataset_base))
Amend the input data directories and output directories for remote execution
Modify experiment root dir
params_list = params_list + ['DIRS.ROOT_DIR', '']
Add data root dir
params_list = params_list + ['DATA.DATA_DIR', str(pathlib.PurePath(train_dataset_base).parent)]
Add data train dir
params_list = params_list + ['DATA.TRAIN_DIR', str(pathlib.PurePath(train_dataset_base).name)]
Add data test dir
params_list = params_list + ['DATA.TEST_DIR', str(pathlib.PurePath(test_dataset_base).name)]
Add working dir
params_list = params_list + ['DIRS.WORKING_DIR', str(task.cache_dir)]
print('[INFO] Task output destination:: {}'.format(task.get_output_destination()))
print('[INFO] Final parameter list passed to Trainer object:: {}'.format(params_list))
Create the trainer object
trainer = Ignite_Trainer(config=args.config, cmd_args=params_list) # NOTE: disabled cmd line argument passing but using it to pass ClearML configs.
Setup the data transformers
print('[INFO] Creating data transforms...')
Setup the dataloaders
print('[INFO] Creating data loaders...')
Setup the model
print('[INFO] Creating the model...')
Setup the optimizer
print('[INFO] Creating optimizer...')
Setup the scheduler
Train the model `