Hi, How Can I Query On Plots And Log Added For A Specific Task Programmatically? (As In, Besides The Clearml Ui And Asumming I Have Its Task Id)
hello Emanuel 👋
I assume you are going to use python, in which case, inside each ClearML Task there is a method called get_reported_scalars that should have all the data I think.
you may want to read the warning at https://allegro.ai/clearml/docs/rst/references/clearml_python_ref/task_module/task_task.html#clearml.task.Task.get_reported_scalars on this.. and cache yourself as appropriate.. actually, the docs for the API are pretty thorough.. so if this isn't the exact itch you need to scratch, I dare say there is a call in there that does what you want 🙂
3 years ago
one year ago