Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hey Guys, I Deploy Clearml In Kubernetes Successfully, Now I Want Serve Apiserver/Webserver/Fileserver Behind A Nginx Server, But The Static Css/Js File Is Absolute Path, It'S Hard To Assign Routing, Can You Change The Css/Js File To A Relative Url Path ?

hey guys, I deploy clearml in kubernetes successfully, now I want serve apiserver/webserver/fileserver behind a nginx server, but the static css/js file is absolute path, it's hard to assign routing, can you change the css/js file to a relative url path ?

Posted 4 years ago
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Answers 14

Thanks for your reply, I deploy clearml webserver in k8s successfully, and I can access it through  http://<ip>:30080/  .

Now, I want access it through a nginx server, eg   http://<my-domain>/clearml  , after I configured nginx, I got a empty page. 

I saw  <script src="runtime-es2015.6afafe9b333cf9dcff7d.js" crossorigin="use-credentials" type="module">  in the html resource code, it will load http://<my-domain>/runtime-es2015.6afafe9b333cf9dcff7d.js  instead of  http://<my-domain>/clearml/runtime-es2015.6afafe9b333cf9dcff7d.js  , so the browser cannot load the js file correctly.

Finally, I hope you can build the webserver like this <script src="./runtime-es2015.6afafe9b333cf9dcff7d.js" crossorigin="use-credentials" type="module"> , then the browser can load static file through relative path, or can you export a docker param to config prefix url path?

Posted 4 years ago

This should happen in the next few days 😄

Posted 4 years ago

Yes, you can do that. But it's not a good method to resolve this problem, I have many applications, temporarily configuring nginx to intercept these requests is not elegant enough.

Posted 4 years ago

If I can config the prefix path of webserver, nginx routing will become very simple.

Posted 4 years ago

Since all requests are routed internally with an nginx running inside the webserver docker container, we can provide the nginx config file we use and you can override it as required (for example, to strip the prefix you're adding, before serving resources and requests)

Posted 4 years ago

Looking forward to the update of the webserver source code on github! 😆

Posted 4 years ago

Hi JealousSealion33 . We are planning on releasing a clearml k8s package very soon. I hope this is something that you will be able to use. If not, could you please elaborate on the issue you are facing and share the error you are receiving?

Posted 4 years ago

If the request is for http://<my-domain>/runtime-es2015.6afafe9b333cf9dcff7d.js , you can setup nginx to intercept the request, modify the path and forward it as http://<my-domain>/clearml/runtime-es2015.6afafe9b333cf9dcff7d.js

Posted 4 years ago


Posted 4 years ago

Unless you modify the html code, it will always load absolute url path, so it's not the problem of webserver's nginx config.

Posted 4 years ago

In addition, upgrade the webserver is also very complicated due to the new version file name change,

Posted 4 years ago

Hi JealousSealion33 ,
these are relative paths to the base of the site.
please try to change <base href="/"> in index.html to the path of your sub folder.

Posted 4 years ago

JealousSealion33 , as far as I know, both no prefix and ./ are relative

Posted 4 years ago

And thanks so much for your involvement and interest 🙂

Posted 4 years ago
14 Answers
4 years ago
11 months ago