Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi All! I Have A Couple Of Things That Are Not Completely Clear To Me, Hope You Can Help Me To Sort Them Out.

hi all! I have a couple of things that are not completely clear to me, hope you can help me to sort them out.
i managed to configure the File Server on GCS but i am having a problem: if i run a task locally and the task name has spaces eg This is a task , when artifacts and metrics are uploaded to the bucket there isn't any problem and my Trains Server fetches them correctly. When the Task is executed on a worker, the presence of spaces breaks the URLs and from the UI I cannot access to the resources on the bucket. They are there, but in the actual bucket URL spaces are converted to %20 while this doesn't happen in the link in the Servers UI. Is it a known issue? i don't have quite clear what Cloud Access section is in the Profile page. At the moment i managed to connect to my bucket linking the json file from all the trains.conf I have, both in the machine where the server is running and in the worker. What that section is there for?Thanks!

Posted 4 years ago
Votes Newest

Answers 11

yes, looks like. Is it possible?

Sounds odd...
Whats the exact project/task name?
And what is the output_uri?

Posted 4 years ago

Thanks OutrageousGrasshopper93
I will test it "!".
By the way the "!" is in the project or the Task name?

Posted 4 years ago

ok, i got the problem, it isn't really related to spaces or local vs remote. It is the presence of characters like ! . Indeed the artifacts on GCS are created converting ! to %21 and are tracked succesfully like this on the server. When the request is sent to actually download the artifacts or to see pictures in Debug samples the %21 is converted back to ! and there is no such object in GCS with ! . Hope it's clear. Not a big deal to me, can just avoid special characters. 🎉

Posted 4 years ago

OutrageousGrasshopper93 could you send an example of the two links from the artifacts (one local one remote) ?

Posted 4 years ago

what i can say is that when tasks are running locally the task name can have spaces, when executed remotely they cannot. I tired to remove the spaces in a remote execution and the artifacts are linked without problems (in both cases they are created just fine on GCS, it's just a matter of linking them in the Server UI)

Posted 4 years ago

yes, looks like. Is it possible?

Posted 4 years ago

Cloud Access section is in the 



Any storage credentials (S3 for example) are only stored on the client side (never the trains-server), this is the reason we need to configure them in the trains.conf. When the browser needs to access those URL's (downloading an artifact) it also needs the secret/key, it automatically display a popup requesting them, and will store them in this section. Notice they are stored on the browser session (as a cookie).

Posted 4 years ago

task name, at the end, if it helps

Posted 4 years ago

Sounds odd...
Whats the exact project/task name?
And what is the output_uri?

project_name="allegro_mnist_tree_git" , task_name="Run from CD + FS"
the output_uri isn't set, but the fileserver is set to the GCS location in trains.conf and indeed the artifacts and the metrics are correctly stored where supposed to be

Posted 4 years ago

Hi OutrageousGrasshopper93

When the Task is executed on a worker, the presence of spaces breaks the URLs and from the UI I cannot access to the resources on the bucket

You are saying the URLs generated in a remote execution are "broken" and on local execution are working, even though it is the same project/task name ?

Posted 4 years ago


Posted 4 years ago