AgitatedDove14 SuccessfulKoala55
Yes this makes alot more sense now. Thank you.
Ill give it a go. Once i have something that works ill make a github issue to see if its something you would like to add to the repo.
Thank you very much.
Hi ColossalAnt7
Following on SuccessfulKoala55 answer
I saw that there is a config file where you can specify specific users and passwords, but it currently requires
- mount the configuration file (the one holding the user/pass) into the pod from a persistent volume .
I think the k8s way to do this would be to use mounted config maps and secrets.
You can use ConfigMaps to make sure the routing is always correct, then add a load-balancer (a.k.a a fixed IP) for the users access.
This way the users always access IP:8008/8080/8081 while the ConfigMap is doing the outing to the actual pod.
What do you think?
ColossalAnt7 I would do the following:
Configure trains-server user/pass, mounting the API server configuration file as pointed in the trains-server documentation (intermediate temporary step) Start by providing the ML guys with a VPN access that allows them to access directly the trains-server api/web/file pos (caveat is the IP/sub-domain needs to be solved) Configure a ConfigMap to do the routing/ingest (this solves the IP/Sub-Domain issue) and allow the VPN to access the single entrypoint as pointed by the ConfigMap If needed open the single ingestion IP to the outside world, and remove the need for a VPN.Make sense ?
I think that AgitatedDove14 ’s suggestion is better:
mount the configuration file (the one holding the user/pass) into the pod from a persistent volume
If you still want to use env vars (which would also have to contain the passwords) - let me know
Contributions are always welcome 🙂
The best way is to open a GitHub issue.
As for user/password configuration, the server can receive these details from environment variables, so you could easily provide them as part of the chart or by integrating with mounted secrets etc.
SuccessfulKoala55 So far, I only so how the credentials are passes in the config files. Can you point me to where it looks for env vars for authentication?
I thought about the config maps for the credentials. Having the urls of each server componenet (api,web,file) makes sense. The problem with an external load balancer is that I expose the servers outside of the cluster, which im trying to avoid. It might be the case that my thinking about this is mistaken alltogether and I should expose stuff outside the cluster but than i have to configure/maintain additional VPNs/VPCs which is more hassle and more money to the cloud providers seeing that k8s already provides its own private network and can be used with vpn clients. Howevet it might be inevitable for production needs in which case i would have to swallow this pill anyway. There is the issue of the web-server being static and thus requiring a fixed url mapping between the web server and the other server in the browser, but i assume solving this would be too much trouble for too little gains on your part i assume.