AgitatedDove14 I still do not understand, how I can deploy the trains-agent docker image to my trains-server installation so the 'default' queue will be handled.
Once I can do this, it should not be a big thing to add additional workers for more queues.
I found a template for k8s but as I'm quite new to Kubernetes I don't know how to use it.
As I use Rancher I'm able to even edit the trains-agent deployment. I added an additional command to handle the default queue as well, but it seems not to do so./bin/sh -c apt-get update ; apt-get install -y curl python3-pip git; curl -sSL
| sh ; python3 -m pip install -U pip ; python3 -m pip install trains-agent ; TRAINS_DOCKER_SKIP_GPUS_FLAG=1 TRAINS_AGENT_K8S_HOST_MOUNT=/root/.trains:/root/.trains trains-agent daemon --docker nvidia/cuda --force-current-version ; TRAINS_AGENT_K8S_HOST_MOUNT=/root/.trains:/root/.trains trains-agent daemon default --docker nvidia/cuda --force-current-version
I know that even if it would work, it would be overwritten the time I'm upgrading trains by helm.
Can you tell me how to get a trains-agen as a worker on a specific queue?