PungentLouse55 could you test again with the latest from the GitHub? I think the issue should be solved:pip install git+
PungentLouse55 I'm checking something here, you might stumbled on a bug in parameter overriding. Updating here soon ...
Hi PungentLouse55
Hope you are not tired of me
Lol 🙂 No worries
I am using trains 0.16.1
Are you referring to the trains-server version or the python package ? (they are not the same and can be of totally different versions)
Hope you are not tired of me. But I am using trains 0.16.1 and adding prefix does not work. I found the place where dict with keys <prefix/key>:value are transformed to nested dict with <prefix>:{<key>: value} (see screenshots). Im sorry for my annoyance but I believe there is misandastanding between us and you think that prefixes work 🙂
Hi PungentLouse55
it depends on the trains-server version you are running.
If the trains-server >= 0.16 then you have to add "Args/" prefix. If you are running an older version, then you should not add any prefix.
Could you please answer the last question? 🙃
I'm I right that the is a bug with the first situation I've described ('Args' parameter)? Or I do smth wrong and It should work with prefixes? Because it does not work if I add prefix
Yes 😅 It actually worked. Thank you! Now I got values from scalars
PungentLouse55 from the screenshot I assume the experiment template you are trying to optimize is not the one from the trains/examples 🙂
In that case, and based on the screenshots, the prefix is "Args/" as this is the section name.
Regrading objective metric, again based on your screenshots:objective_metric_title="Accuracy" objective_metric_series="Validation"
Make sense ?
Unfortunately I still can't get it
Adding General prefix for parameters doesn't work as task parameters have no prefixes. The also doesn't have 'General' key returned (pictures 1, 2 are screen shots of my base experiment, picture 3 is key of returned task parameters dictionary) The last_metrics argument is still empty. But my template experiment actually has reported scalars (picture 4) and I use right experiment id (picture 5)
Example use case:
an_optimizer = HyperParameterOptimizer(
# This is the experiment we want to optimize
# here we define the hyper-parameters to optimize
UniformIntegerParameterRange('General/layer_1', min_value=128, max_value=512, step_size=128),
UniformIntegerParameterRange('General/layer_2', min_value=128, max_value=512, step_size=128),
DiscreteParameterRange('General/batch_size', values=[96, 128, 160]),
DiscreteParameterRange('General/epochs', values=[30]),
# this is the objective metric we want to maximize/minimize
# now we decide if we want to maximize it or minimize it (accuracy we maximize)
# let us limit the number of concurrent experiments,
# this in turn will make sure we do dont bombard the scheduler with experiments.
# if we have an auto-scaler connected, this, by proxy, will limit the number of machine
# this is the optimizer class (actually doing the optimization)
# Currently, we can choose from GridSearch, RandomSearch or OptimizerBOHB (Bayesian optimization Hyper-Band)
# more are coming soon...
# Select an execution queue to schedule the experiments for execution
# Optional: Limit the execution time of a single experiment, in minutes.
# (this is optional, and if using OptimizerBOHB, it is ignored)
# Check the experiments every 12 seconds is way too often, we should probably set it to 5 min,
# assuming a single experiment is usually hours...
# set the maximum number of jobs to launch for the optimization, default (None) unlimited
# If OptimizerBOHB is used, it defined the maximum budget in terms of full jobs
# basically the cumulative number of iterations will not exceed total_max_jobs * max_iteration_per_job
# set the minimum number of iterations for an experiment, before early stopping.
# Does not apply for simple strategies such as RandomSearch or GridSearch
# Set the maximum number of iterations for an experiment to execute
# (This is optional, unless using OptimizerBOHB where this is a must)
) `
PungentLouse55 , make sure you fix the metric objective and args:
Add "General/" prefix to the list of arguments to optimize, and change the objective metric from "Accuracy" to "epoch_accuracy"
I'll try again, but I did it in this way 😢
Maybe I am wrong and did something wrong
Should I run the template experiment till the end (I mean when it'not not improving) or I can run for a few epochs?
I'll make sure we fix the example, because as you pointed, it is broken :(
In order for the sample to work you have to run the template experiment once. Then the HP optimizer will find the best HP for it.
How can I get them? I think I follow the example from documentation, but I cant get it.
Is it ok that my template experiment is now at draft 'state'?
you are correct, I was referring to the template experiment
I'm sorry but I didn't get you about original experiment. By original you mean the experiment I use as a template?
PungentLouse55 you can find the metrics in the "original" (aka base template) experiment.
I want to optimizer hyperparameters with trains.automation but: ...
Yes you are correct, in case of the example code, it should be "General/..." if you have ArgParser, it should be "Args/..." Yes it looks like the metric is wrong, it should be "epoch_accuracy" & "epoch_accuracy"
These are the last_metrics values the task object has
Hi PungentLouse55
Are you referring to the example code ?
This is a screen with messages of an optimization process