Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
How Do I Access The Trains-Server Web Ui On Gcp? I Followed The Steps Here:

How do I access the trains-server web UI on gcp? I followed the steps here: https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_gcp/ and I go to the external IP address associated with the VM with the trains custom image. The external IP address takes too long to load with an 'err_timed_out' message. When I run trains-init, it says the command cannot be found even though I installed trains.

Posted 4 years ago
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Answers 13

Of course, no matter which path you choose, you'll need to make sure it's possible to access Trains Server ports ( 8080 , 8081 , 8008 ) using the server's external IP.
In GCP, you can do that by choosing " Allow HTTP Access " when creating a new instance (easy, but less secure), or set up a more detailed and secure firewall rules that will only allow access to ports 8080 , 8081 and 8008 (you can consult GCP documentation for that).

Posted 4 years ago

GiddyTurkey39 , trains-init is related to configuring the Trains Python SDK, not for configuring the server.
You can read more on server configuration https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_config/ .

Posted 4 years ago

Regarding the server, the new v0.16.1 version is not yet available as an image for GCP (it will probably be available today or tomorrow), so I guess you installed v0.15.1?

Posted 4 years ago

GiddyTurkey39 , GCP image for 0.16.1 is now available (use https://storage.googleapis.com/allegro-files/trains-server/trains-server-0-16-1.tar.gz )

Posted 4 years ago

SuccessfulKoala55 Actually- just resolved this. I had to allow access from all ports(not secure but will fix that asap) but everything seems to be running now, thanks for the help!

Posted 4 years ago

As for the IP not being reachable - this seems like an infrastructure issue - I recommend simply creating a new instance and using the new 0.16.1 image

Posted 4 years ago

SuccessfulKoala55 I looked back into my configuration settings for the VM(I already created a VM instance from the custom image yesterday) and thats where I got my external IP from. I checked "Allow HTTP access" but it's giving me a gateway timeout error now and telling me that the server at the IP is unreachable at the moment.

Posted 4 years ago

The path for setting up trains-server on GCP is deploying the server, and then configuring the trains server, from my understanding. I'm unable to run trains-init to setup, as it tells me the command isn't found.

Posted 4 years ago

Hi GiddyTurkey39 , are we talking about two different issues? One is the Trains Server on GCP, the other is installing trains on your machine?

Posted 4 years ago

Regarding GCP, the process for deploying the server is creating a new instance with our ready-made image (see https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_gcp/ ) - you'll have an up-and-running server which you can than configure according to your needs.
Alternatively, you can always just start a new empty instance with Ubuntu OS and manually install Trains Server using our https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_linux_mac/ .

Posted 4 years ago

Regarding the trains server SDK, the end of the documentation for GCP says 'Next step, configuring trains for trains server' where the first step is running trains-init setup wizard

Posted 4 years ago

Yeah, you should run trains-init on your development machine to set up the Trains SDK for using your new server

Posted 4 years ago

SuccessfulKoala55 At the time, yes it was v0.15.1. How do I actually launch trains server from the custom image? Do I use the external IP associated with the VM or are there any other steps I have to take?

Posted 4 years ago
13 Answers
4 years ago
2 years ago
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