I've solved the first part by importing trains after parsing the arguments. Still not sure about the second part of my question.
PompousBeetle71 so basically exclude parameters that are considered "local" only, so that other people will not accidentally use them?
I think exclusion of arguments from the arg praser is a good idea.
Regarding the other parameters such as the working directory and script path. I just want to automate it as when running the script from my local machine for the "template" of the experiment it gets values that won't work when running in the worker. I just thought it can be automated from the code.
BTW: 0.14.3 solved the issue you are referring to, so you can import trains before / parsing the args without an issue. Regrading passing project/name as parameters. A few thoughts: (1) you can always rename / move projects from the UI (2) If you are running it with trains-agent
there is no meaning to these arguments, as by definition the Task was already created... Maybe we should give an option to exclude a few arguments from argparser, I think this topic came up a few times... What do you think?
PompousBeetle71 cool, next RC will have the argparse exclusion feature :)
Hi PompousBeetle71 , what exactly is the scenario / problem we are trying to solve ?