Why does it match with gpu 0 when I only have cpu?
Hi MammothParrot39 , what command do you run the agent with?
CostlyOstrich36 Thanks for answer!
I useclearml-agent daemon --queue default --cpu-only
MammothParrot39 try to set this https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-agent/blob/ebb955187dea384f574a52d059c02e16a49aeead/docs/clearml.conf#L82 in your clearml.conf
to "22.3.1"
SmugDolphin23 It's work) Thank you so much)
Can you explain this type of Error?
We used to have "<=20" as the default pip version in the agent. Looks like this default value still exists on your machine. But that version of pip doesn't know how to install your version of pytorch...