Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
I Configured S3 Storage In My Clearml.Conf File On A Worker Machine. Then I Run Experiment Which Produced A Small Artifact And It Doesn'T Appear In My Cloud Storage. What Am I Doing Wrong? How To Make Artifacts Appear On My S3 Storage? Below Is A Sample O

I configured S3 storage in my clearml.conf file on a worker machine. Then I run experiment which produced a small artifact and it doesn't appear in my cloud storage. What am I doing wrong? How to make artifacts appear on my S3 storage?
Below is a sample of clearml.conf with S3 configuration.
s3 { key: "mykey" secret: "mysecret" region: "myendpoint" credentials: [ specifies key/secret credentials to use when handling s3 urls (read or write) { bucket: "mybucket" key: "mykey" secret: "mysecret" }, ] }

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 41

@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I didn't use a region at first and that was not working. Now I use a region and it still doesn't work.
From the boto3 inside a Python I could create a session where I specify ak and sk, and create a client from the session where I pass service_name and endpoint_url. It works just fine

Posted 2 years ago

@<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> Yeah. This is an example:

 s3 {
            key: "mykey"
            secret: "mysecret"
            region: "us-east-1"
            credentials: [
                     bucket: "
                     key: "mykey"
                     secret: "mysecret"
                    region: "us-east-1"
# some other config
default_output_uri: "
Posted 2 years ago

Hi again, @<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> ! I actually took a closer look at this. The config file should look like this:

        s3 {
            key: "KEY"
            secret: "SECRET"
            use_credentials_chain: false

            credentials: [
                    host: "myendpoint:443"  # no http(s):// and no s3:// prefix, also no bucket name
                    key: "KEY"
                    secret: "SECRET"
                    secure: true  # if https
        default_output_uri: "
"  # notice the s3:// prefix (not http(s))

The region should be optional, but try setting it as well if it doesn't work

Posted 2 years ago

@<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> Just to check if u need to do update-ca-certificates or equivalent?

Posted 2 years ago

@<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> Could you provide a sample of how to properly fill all the necessary config values to make S3 work, please?
My endpoint starts with https:// and I don't know what my region is, endpoint URL doesn't contain it.
Right now I fill it like this:

aws.s3.key = <access-key>
aws.s3.secret = <secret-key>
aws.s3.region = <blank>
aws.s3.credentials.0.bucket = <just_bucket_name>
aws.s3.credentials.0.key = <access-key>
aws.s3.credentials.0.secret = <secret-key>
sdk.development.default_output_uri = <
Posted 2 years ago

The code is run from another machine where clearml.conf configured to connect to ClearML server, no other configurations are provided

Posted 2 years ago

SmugDolphin23 I added a region, run experiment again. Didn't work

Posted 2 years ago

I meant the code where you upload an artifact, sorry

Posted 2 years ago

@<1526734383564722176:profile|BoredBat47> How would you connect with boto3 ? ClearML uses boto3 as well, what it basically does is getting the key/secret/region from the conf file. After that it opens a Session with the credentials. Have you tried deleting the region altogether from the conf file?

Posted 2 years ago

@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> I actually don't know where to get my region for the creds to S3 I am using. From what I figured, I have to plug in my sk, ak and bucket into credentials in agent and output URI must be my S3 endpoint — complete URI with protocol. Is it correct?

Posted 2 years ago

SmugDolphin23 Got it. Now I am a bit confused about region parameter in s3 section. Amazon docs say that region could be a regular URL with protocol like https://etc.etc which my endpoint actually is. I plugged it in s3 section in clearml.conf. Should it stay that way?

Posted 2 years ago
41 Answers
2 years ago
2 years ago
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