Hi @<1526734437587357696:profile|ShaggySquirrel23> , how do you configure your default upload destination?
should be:
in clearml.conf file like this
api {
# Notice: 'host' is the api server (default port 8008), not the web server.
api_server: ***************
web_server: **************
files_server: None ://genuin-ai/
now i am getting this weird error that my cron job waits for infinite time on service queue and doesnot invoke the scheduled task? how to change year 1970 to current time.
thanks @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> indeed this was the error.
Yes, that makes sense. But did you see the callback being executed ? it seems it was supposed to, then the next call would have been 2:30 hours later, am I missing something ?
this is the code for task scheduler
So it makes sense the first "scheduled" job is epoch time 0 (1970) because "executes_immediately" basically means it sets a date that passed, so it triggers it. does that make sense ?
i did not pass any date clearml took it internally.