@<1531445337942659072:profile|OddCentipede48> that's deliberate, URL contains experiments page preferences to give the user an easy method of sharing his current view. you can either update the link to the page with the updated choice or remove all table info from the URL (everything after the experiment ID) and they will be restored from the BE.
I understand. That's strange, column ordering etc should be stored in cookies per project. Maybe @<1523703436166565888:profile|DeterminedCrab71> , might have an idea
Hi @<1531445337942659072:profile|OddCentipede48> , can you please create a video reproduction?
It is difficult for me to do that without compromising some sensitive information that I am not allowed to share. Sorry.
But now I believe it happens when I open project again from the bookmark. I believe that this is because column information is stored in URL parameters and not in cookies