Hi @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> , I added pipeline._task.add_tags(tags) and it works, thank you very much 👍
meanwhile you can of course do:
, not the pipeline itself. And that's the last part I'm looking for.
Good point, any chance you want to PR this code snippet ?
def add_tags(self, tags):
# type: (Union[Sequence[str], str]) -> None
Add Tags to this pipeline. Old tags are not deleted.
When executing a Pipeline remotely (i.e. launching the pipeline from the UI/enqueuing it), this method has no effect.
:param tags: A list of tags which describe the Task to add.
if not self._task:
return; # should not actually happen
Hi @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> , thank you for your answer, sadly it "only" adds tags to the steps of the pipeline, not the pipeline itself. And that's the last part I'm looking for.
Hi @<1546303293918023680:profile|MiniatureRobin9> , please take a look at add_pipeline_tags