Yeah, this is the ouput of the run from the agent
Can you please share the entire task log? Also, how are you running the agent?
The issue may be related to the fact that right now we have some edge cases when working with lightning >= 2.0, we should have better support in the upcoming release
Yeah sure 🙂
Will share it, let me get it ^^
Hello 🙂
This is the snipper using Click
class ClearMLConfig:
task_name: str = "First experiment"
task_type: Task.TaskTypes =
reuse_last_task_id: bool = True
output_uri: Optional[str] = None
clearml_config = ClearMLConfig()
task = Task.init(project_name='Illuin Emotions',
def cli() -> None:
if os.path.isfile(".env"):"Loading .env file")
cli.add_command(lightning_cli, name="lightning")
cli.add_command(huggingface_cli, name="huggingface")
And to log it we use:Task.current_task().connect(attrs.asdict(config))
It seems the task initialization process is successful, can you share a snippet of the code, how click is used and what are you doing in the main part of the code (including Task.init() etc.)?
Hi @<1564422650187485184:profile|ScaryDeer25> , is thie from a task run by an agent?
Hi 🙂
Thanks for your reply, I will find it out
Hey @<1564422650187485184:profile|ScaryDeer25> , we just released clearml==1.11.1rc2
which should solve the compatibility issues for lightning >= 2.0. Can you install it and check whether it solves your problem?
Here are the code.
When using ClearML Agent it does not work but if we copy paste the command line specified in the log as Entry point it works
"entry_point = -m emotions_classification.__main__ lightning train -c configs/logging.yml -c configs/lightning_module/multiclass-transformer.yml -c configs/data_module/fr-emotions-data-module.yml -c configs/trainer/debug.yml -c configs/common/camembert-base.yml
working_dir = .