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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Can Anyone Recommend A Good Workflow For

Can anyone recommend a good workflow for clearml-session ?

I like to code in the desktop app of VS Code. Right now, I

  • run clearml-session ... to start a session
  • look for the public IP in the logs
  • modify ~/.ssh/config and add the IP
  • join from VS Code
    Problem is, I have to constantly look up the IP address and manually change ~/.ssh/config every time I start a new session. I'd love to automate that step somehow.
Posted one year ago
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Answers 18

No they are not, they are taking the vscode backend and put it behind a webserver-ish

Posted one year ago

check here None

Posted one year ago

do you have a video showing the use case for clearml-session ? I struggle a bit about how is it used for ?

Posted one year ago

exactly! it is very cool to see it in action, and it really works very well, kudos for these guys

Posted one year ago

Oh my goodness. Thank you! I'd seen that before, but for some reason it didn't register I could run that with VS Code...

But this config should almost never need to change!

Host clearml-session
    HostName localhost
    User root
    Port 8022
Posted one year ago

I'm guessing this is done through code-server?

I'm currently rolling a JupyterHub instance (multiuser, with codeserver inside) on the same machine as clearml-server. That’s where tasks are executed etc. so, all browser dev env.

It sounds like there’s an option to basically bypass this latter step and just use clearml’s credentialing to accomplish much the same thing? Am I understanding clearml-session correctly?

Posted one year ago

But this config should almost never need to change!

Exactly the idea 🙂
notice the password (initially random) is also fixed on your local machine, for the exact same reason

Posted one year ago

Hi @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47>
Did you check None ?
You are not supposed to do 2,3,4
After (1) you should just do

ssh root@localhost -p 8022

and provide the password that is written in the CLI

(Notice to pass --public-ip if your remote machine is using a public IP you can access)

Posted one year ago

Oh yes. I see. Yeah, no ML here actually (doing the testing infra of endpoints), but certainly when there is its an issue.

How does clearml session avoid it? I guess only if autoscaling is used (one worker one machine)?

Posted one year ago

I guess only if autoscaling is used (one worker one machine)?

yes, basically depending on how you set autoscaling / k8s integration 🙂

Posted one year ago

I'm guessing this is done through code-server?


I'm currently rolling a JupyterHub instance (multiuser, with codeserver inside) on the same machine as clearml-server. That’s where tasks are executed etc. so, all browser dev env.

Yeah, the idea with clearml-session each user can self serve themselves the container that works best for them. With a jupyterhub they start to step on each other's toes very quickly ...

Posted one year ago

Can you please elaborate on the latter point? My jupyterhub’s fully containerized and allows users to select their own containers (from a list i built) at launch, and launch multiple containers at the same time, not sure I follow how toes are stepped on. (edited)

Definitely a great start, usually it breaks on memory / GPU-mem where too many containers on the same machine are eating each others GPU ram (that cannot be virtualized)

Posted one year ago

do you have a video showing the use case for clearml-session

I totally think we should, I'll pass it along 🙂

what is the difference between vscode via clearml-session and vscode via remote ssh extension ?

Nice! remote vscode is usually thought of as SSH, basically you have your vscode running on your machine, and using SSH vscode automatically connects to the remote machine.

Clearml-Session also ads a new capability VSCode inside your browser, where the VSCode itself as well as the code are running on the remote machine, and clearml-session provides you with a secure http link to that remote machine and you develop (IDE) inside your browser

Posted one year ago

what is the difference between vscode via clearml-session and vscode via remote ssh extension ?

Posted one year ago

wow , did not know that vscode have a http "interface" !!! Make kind of sense as vscode is just a Chrome rendering webpage behind the scene ?

Posted one year ago

just saw that repo: who are coder ? That not the vscode developer team is it ?

Posted one year ago

Oh neat! I want to take a look at this. Only a few more weeks at the client but it’d be nice to reduce the complexity of the software stack if I can before handoff.

Can you please elaborate on the latter point? My jupyterhub’s fully containerized and allows users to select their own containers (from a list i built) at launch, and launch multiple containers at the same time, not sure I follow how toes are stepped on.

Posted one year ago

Without clearml-session, how one could set this up ?? I cannot find any documentation/guide on how to do this ... The official doc seems to say: you start a code server that then connect to vscode.dev Then from your laptop, you go to vscode.dev in order to access to your code server. Is there anyway you do this but without going to vscode.dev ???

Posted one year ago
18 Answers
one year ago
one year ago