Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi, I Am Currently Using Clearml Agent Along With A K8S Glue Container That Was Installed Via Helm In A Kubernetes Cluster. I Would Like To Understand The Process Of Caching Pip Requirements So That I Don'T Have To Install Them In Each Clearml-Id-Xx Pod.

Hi, I am currently using clearml agent along with a k8s glue container that was installed via Helm in a Kubernetes cluster.
I would like to understand the process of caching pip requirements so that I don't have to install them in each clearml-id-xx pod.
Even though I have configured my agent, I am still noticing that the requirements are being installed in each pod, which ends up taking approximately 4 minutes.

  clearmlConfig: |-
    sdk {
      storage {
          cache {
              # Defaults to <system_temp_folder>/clearml_cache
              default_base_dir: "~/.clearml/cache"

          direct_access: [
              # Objects matching are considered to be available for direct access, i.e. they will not be downloaded
              # or cached, and any download request will return a direct reference.
              # Objects are specified in glob format, available for url and content_type.
              { url: "file://*" }  # file-urls are always directly referenced
      venvs_cache: {
        # maximum number of cached venvs
        max_entries: 100
        # minimum required free space to allow for cache entry, disable by passing 0 or negative value
        free_space_threshold_gb: 32.0
        # unmark to enable virtual environment caching
        path: ~/.clearml/venvs-cache
      vcs_cache: {
          enabled: true,
          path: ~/.clearml/vcs-cache
      pip_download_cache {
        enabled: true,
        path: ~/.clearml/pip-download-cache
      docker_pip_cache = ~/.clearml/pip-cache
      docker_apt_cache = ~/.clearml/apt-cache
      # allow to set internal mount points inside the docker,
      # especially useful for non-root docker container images.
      docker_internal_mounts {
          sdk_cache: "/clearml_agent_cache"
          apt_cache: "/var/cache/apt/archives"
          ssh_folder: "/root/.ssh"
          pip_cache: "/root/.cache/pip"
          poetry_cache: "/root/.cache/pypoetry"
          vcs_cache: "/root/.clearml/vcs-cache"
          venv_build: "~/.clearml/venvs-builds"
          pip_download: "/root/.clearml/pip-download-cache"
      package_manager: {
          # virtual environment inheres packages from system
          system_site_packages: true,
Posted one year ago
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Answers 5

Did you added volumeMounts to right section? it should be under basePodTemplate in override file.

Posted one year ago

JuicyFox94 any idea?

Posted one year ago

added these to the agent deployment but still not working

Posted one year ago

SuccessfulKoala55 could you please explain how to mount it in agent conf, do you have an example..

Posted one year ago

Hi MuddyRobin9 , in the configuration you're sharing, the settings are local to the pod. i.e. if these are not mounted to some shared volume (like a host path) no caching will effectively happen. Additionally (just to make it clear), even with the cache, any variations in the installed packages will still need to be installed inside the pod (as I assume most task runs are not identical in requirements)

Posted one year ago
5 Answers
one year ago
one year ago