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Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hello! I Created A

Hello! I created a clearml.conf in my clearml server, then I added the S3 credentials under aws { s3 { region, key, secret } } and rebooted the server. Then, I went to the WebUI and tried to download an artifact previously logged by a Task. I get a “S3 Credentials” pop up dialog. Why is this?

Posted one year ago
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Answers 11


Posted one year ago

interesting, where can I find more info? total noob here.

Posted one year ago

for future reference: None

Posted one year ago

the clearml github, search for a file named cleanup service dot py (or something to that effect)

Posted one year ago

credentials for the server to do things with s3 will be in /opt/clearml/apiserver.conf.

Posted one year ago

@<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> thanks so much for your reply. I can see now the source of my confusion:

After I finished deploying the server in AWS , the next step in that page is “ configuring ClearML for ClearML server ”.

Then you start reading on that page and it is confusing because the way is written makes it seem like you are creating a clearml.conf for the server.

So perhaps editing that page could make things clearer so other people don’t make the same mistake I made.

For example the title could be “configuring a ClearML client to work with your ClearML server” or “configuring ClearML to connect to your ClearML server”. Similarly, the info panel could be made clear with a comment similar to what you just told me, indicating that a ClearML server does not use clearml.conf . Happy to do the PR in the docs project if you agree.

Posted one year ago

A related question… how does the server know how to delete artifacts when the project is deleted if it doesn’t have a clearml.conf with the S3 credentials to do so?

Posted one year ago

I think you’d have to run the cleanup service. That’s what seems to be what is controlling deletion based on archived status and some other temporal filters

Posted one year ago

Hey @<1593051292383580160:profile|SoreSparrow36> I am trying to test that if I delete a project the S3 storage gets also deleted. But I am not sure this is even a good assumption as I haven’t found anywhere what the expected/default behaviour is. Do you happen to know anything about this? Thanks.

Posted one year ago

Hi @<1603198134261911552:profile|ColossalReindeer77> , the clearml server does not support a clearml.conf file (this is only used by clearml clients), and in any case, the server currently does not hold any credentials for use by the WebApp (or SDK). The WebApp manages it's own state, and each user should input their own s3 credentials (the popup you saw)

Posted one year ago

Might be under examples

Posted one year ago