Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi All! I Am Currently Using A Self-Hosted Clearml Server And Was Looking To Integrate The Clearml Agent To Make Better Usage Of Our Hpc Resources With Gpu Autoscaling. I Am Aware That Clearml Already Supports Aws Autoscaler (In The Pro-Tier), But My Tea

Oh I see, I confused with what "Agent Orchestration" meant on the website. Is the clearml-agent queue not available in the open source?
I see that you can do clearml-agent daemon --queue , so do you think it would be possible to spin up another daemon, which listens to this daemon, which then runs a slurm job?
I want to emphasize that I do not mean to undermine your enterprise tier, but I am just trying to work with the limitations of the resources my university, which means I have to use our HPC resources.

Posted one year ago
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one year ago
one year ago