always get a "Could not resolve link destination."
Hi RobustRat47
sorry for the delay,
Hi when we try and sign up a user with github.
wait, where are you getting this link?
just tired again and still not working. We've had this issue before. Can I provide more info for you to debug?
this doesn't work if the user is already singed in
They don't give an in app notification.
Oh I see, I assume this is because the github account is not connected with any email, so no invite is sent.
Basically they should just be able to re-login and then they could switch to your workspace (with the link you generated)
Yes, could you send the full log? screen grab ?
Hi Matrin, managed to fix. The user has to logout of the webapp then click on the sign up link that I can send to invite them from the workspace. Then when they login via github it works
they sign up via github. I try and add them to the workspace. They don't give an in app notification. I copy the link from the pop up and send it to them. They get the "Could not resolve link destination." error message
Hmm so you are saying you have to be logged out to make the link work? (I mean pressing the link will log you in and then you get access)