Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Hi There, I Am Running A Clearml-Agent And Now Trying To Run A Pipeline On A Schedule. When I Try Run The Schedule Using The Queue Assigned To The Worker I'Ve Got Running, I Get The Following Error About

Hi there, I am running a clearml-agent and now trying to run a pipeline on a schedule. When I try run the schedule using the queue assigned to the worker I've got running, I get the following error about virtualenv not being available. I'm battling to figure out what's going on here.

entry_point = clearml_pipeline/schedule.py
working_dir = .
/usr/bin/python3.10: No module named virtualenv
clearml_agent: ERROR: Command '['python3.10', '-m', 'virtualenv', '/home/megan/.clearml/venvs-builds/3.10']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

Full log in the comment.

Posted 11 months ago
Votes Newest

Answers 5

This is schedule.py where the schedule_task_id is the id for a pipeline that has previously been run and now we want to schedule it:

from clearml import Task
from clearml.automation import TaskScheduler

if __name__ == "__main__":

    scheduler = TaskScheduler(force_create_task_name='megan-test-remote-pipeline')

        name='Simple Pipeline Schedule Run Test',
        weekdays=['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday'],


    print('This line will run remotely')
Posted 11 months ago

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/requests/__init__.py:89: RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.25.8) or chardet (5.1.0) doesn't match a supported version!
  warnings.warn("urllib3 ({}) or chardet ({}) doesn't match a supported "
Current configuration (clearml_agent v1.7.0, location: /tmp/.clearml_agent.r_86l8jq.cfg):
agent.worker_id = megan-vm
agent.worker_name = vm
agent.force_git_ssh_protocol = true
agent.python_binary = 
agent.package_manager.type = poetry
agent.package_manager.pip_version.0 = <20.2 ; python_version < '3.10'
agent.package_manager.pip_version.1 = <22.3 ; python_version >\= '3.10'
agent.package_manager.system_site_packages = false
agent.package_manager.force_upgrade = false
agent.package_manager.conda_channels.0 = pytorch
agent.package_manager.conda_channels.1 = conda-forge
agent.package_manager.conda_channels.2 = defaults
agent.package_manager.priority_optional_packages.0 = pygobject
agent.package_manager.torch_nightly = false
agent.package_manager.poetry_files_from_repo_working_dir = false
agent.venvs_dir = /home/megan/.clearml/venvs-builds
agent.venvs_cache.max_entries = 10
agent.venvs_cache.free_space_threshold_gb = 2.0
agent.venvs_cache.path = ~/.clearml/venvs-cache
agent.vcs_cache.enabled = true
agent.vcs_cache.path = /home/megan/.clearml/vcs-cache
agent.venv_update.enabled = false
agent.pip_download_cache.enabled = true
agent.pip_download_cache.path = /home/megan/.clearml/pip-download-cache
agent.translate_ssh = true
agent.reload_config = false
agent.docker_pip_cache = /home/megan/.clearml/pip-cache
agent.docker_apt_cache = /home/megan/.clearml/apt-cache
agent.docker_force_pull = false
agent.default_docker.image = nvidia/cuda:11.0.3-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04
agent.enable_task_env = false
agent.hide_docker_command_env_vars.enabled = true
agent.hide_docker_command_env_vars.parse_embedded_urls = true
agent.abort_callback_max_timeout = 1800
agent.docker_internal_mounts.sdk_cache = /clearml_agent_cache
agent.docker_internal_mounts.apt_cache = /var/cache/apt/archives
agent.docker_internal_mounts.ssh_folder = ~/.ssh
agent.docker_internal_mounts.ssh_ro_folder = /.ssh
agent.docker_internal_mounts.pip_cache = /root/.cache/pip
agent.docker_internal_mounts.poetry_cache = /root/.cache/pypoetry
agent.docker_internal_mounts.vcs_cache = /root/.clearml/vcs-cache
agent.docker_internal_mounts.venv_build = ~/.clearml/venvs-builds
agent.docker_internal_mounts.pip_download = /root/.clearml/pip-download-cache
agent.apply_environment = true
agent.apply_files = true
agent.custom_build_script = 
agent.disable_task_docker_override = false
agent.git_user = 
agent.git_host = 
agent.default_python = 3.8
agent.cuda_version = 0
agent.cudnn_version = 0
api.version = 1.5
api.verify_certificate = true
api.default_version = 1.5
api.http.max_req_size = 15728640
api.http.retries.total = 240
api.http.retries.connect = 240
api.http.retries.read = 240
api.http.retries.redirect = 240
api.http.retries.status = 240
api.http.retries.backoff_factor = 1.0
api.http.retries.backoff_max = 120.0
api.http.wait_on_maintenance_forever = true
api.http.pool_maxsize = 512
api.http.pool_connections = 512
api.web_server = REMOVED
api.api_server = REMOVED
api.files_server = REMOVED
api.credentials.access_key = REMOVED
api.host = REMOVED
sdk.storage.cache.default_base_dir = ~/.clearml/cache
sdk.storage.cache.size.min_free_bytes = 10GB
sdk.storage.direct_access.0.url = file://*
sdk.metrics.file_history_size = 100
sdk.metrics.matplotlib_untitled_history_size = 100
sdk.metrics.images.format = JPEG
sdk.metrics.images.quality = 87
sdk.metrics.images.subsampling = 0
sdk.metrics.tensorboard_single_series_per_graph = false
sdk.network.metrics.file_upload_threads = 4
sdk.network.metrics.file_upload_starvation_warning_sec = 120
sdk.network.iteration.max_retries_on_server_error = 5
sdk.network.iteration.retry_backoff_factor_sec = 10
sdk.network.file_upload_retries = 3
sdk.aws.s3.key = 
sdk.aws.s3.region = 
sdk.aws.s3.use_credentials_chain = true
sdk.aws.boto3.pool_connections = 512
sdk.aws.boto3.max_multipart_concurrency = 16
sdk.log.null_log_propagate = false
sdk.log.task_log_buffer_capacity = 66
sdk.log.disable_urllib3_info = true
sdk.development.task_reuse_time_window_in_hours = 72.0
sdk.development.vcs_repo_detect_async = true
sdk.development.store_uncommitted_code_diff = true
sdk.development.support_stopping = true
sdk.development.default_output_uri = 
sdk.development.force_analyze_entire_repo = false
sdk.development.suppress_update_message = false
sdk.development.detect_with_pip_freeze = false
sdk.development.worker.report_period_sec = 2
sdk.development.worker.ping_period_sec = 30
sdk.development.worker.log_stdout = true
sdk.development.worker.report_global_mem_used = false
sdk.development.worker.report_event_flush_threshold = 100
sdk.development.worker.console_cr_flush_period = 10
sdk.apply_environment = false
sdk.apply_files = false
Executing task id [c4d9ca4361e54816b0ee4ea93d3e1dce]:
repository = REMOVED
branch = REMOVED
version_num = b75e26e30470a5087ef38caa32f285c5b394a543
tag = 
docker_cmd = 
entry_point = clearml_pipeline/schedule.py
working_dir = .
/usr/bin/python3.10: No module named virtualenv
clearml_agent: ERROR: Command '['python3.10', '-m', 'virtualenv', '/home/megan/.clearml/venvs-builds/3.10']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Posted 11 months ago

Thanks @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> , I've figured this out and specified how to build the ClearML agent now with the correct python version.

Posted 10 months ago

Hi @<1654294828365647872:profile|GorgeousShrimp11> , it appears the issue is due to running with different python versions. It looks like the python you're running the agent on, doesn't have virtualenv

Posted 10 months ago

I've tried changing the clearml.conf file to specify the python_binary with:

 python_binary: "usr/bin/python3"

But, still getting the same error.

Posted 11 months ago
5 Answers
11 months ago
10 months ago