Maybe it has something to do with my general environment? I am running on WSL2 in debian
Hi DisturbedParrot38
Could you attach a full log? This is quite cryptic and does not ring a bell
Is there some verbose mode I could run it with?
I have the strong suspicion it is somewhat related to my parameters of the function or generally the hyperparameters gathered by the task automatically.
Not that I would know of..
I attached the possible problematic argument.
The strings are just regular string, nothing fancy there.
:{'epochs': 3, 'imgsz': 480, 'data': '/home/rini-debian/git-stash/lvgl-ui-detector/datasets/ui_randoms.yaml'}
Here are the codefiles for my pipelines.
They do not work yet, I am struggling with the pipeline stuff quite a bit.
But both pipelines always give these warnings.
Wait even without the pipeline decorator this function creates the warning?
Hmm yeah I think that makes sense. Can you post here the arguments?
I'm assuming you have something like '1.23a' in the arguments?
I am getting the same when starting regular tasks.
I think it has something to do with my paramaters, which contain an environment variable which contains a list of datasets
This is the warning hence my question
Is this from the pipeline logic? Or a component?
I noticed that it's actually independent of the pipelines
It comes from the PipelineDecorator.pipeline I assume or from PipelineDecorator.component
This function shows the same behaviour once the task gets initialized:
# Training helper functions
def prepare_training(env: dict, model_variant: str, dataset_id: str, args: dict, project: str = "LVGL UI Detector"):
from clearml import Task, Dataset
import os
print(f"Training {model_variant} on dataset: {dataset_id}")
# Fetch dataset YAML
env['FILES'][dataset_id] = Dataset.get(dataset_id).list_files("*.yaml")
# Download & modify dataset
env['DIRS']['target'] = download_dataset(env, dataset_id)
dataset_file = os.path.join(env['DIRS']['target'], env['FILES'][dataset_id][0])
dataset_content = fix_dataset_path(dataset_file, env['DIRS']['target'])
args['data'] = os.path.join(env['DIRS']['target'], env['FILES'][dataset_id][0])
# Create a ClearML Task
task = Task.init(
project_name="LVGL UI Detector",
task_name=f"Train {model_variant} ({env['DATASETS'][dataset_id]['name']})",
# Log "model_variant" parameter to task
task.set_parameter("model_variant", model_variant)
task.set_parameter("dataset", dataset_id)
task.set_parameter("General/data", args['data'])
task.connect_configuration(name="Dataset YAML", configuration=args['data'])
task.connect_configuration(name="Dataset Content", configuration=dataset_content)
It happens on all of my pipeline run attempts and there's nothing more that gives insight.
As an example:
python src/
ClearML Task: created new task id=102a4f25c5ac4972abd41f1d0b6b9708
ClearML results page:
<unknown>:1: SyntaxWarning:
invalid decimal literal
<unknown>:1: SyntaxWarning:
invalid decimal literal
<unknown>:1: SyntaxWarning:
invalid decimal literal
<unknown>:1: SyntaxWarning:
invalid decimal literal
<unknown>:1: SyntaxWarning:
invalid decimal literal
<unknown>:1: SyntaxWarning:
invalid decimal literal
ClearML pipeline page:
... and then the pipeline just continues ...
Alright cool!
I will check it out and let you know what it was.
There has been a restart of my machine in the mean time :man-shrugging:
So only the matrix knows now I guess..
No idea what's going on now, but I cannot reproduce the behaviour either.. also tried my old code posted here, but the warning doesn't pop up anymore.
I will inform once it pops again and will use the provided traceback function then.
I have a slight suspicion that it was indeed environment based on my local machine, but I have no idea what is the trigger for that.
It may or may not be related to this
2024-04-29 23:38:25,932 - clearml.Task - WARNING - Parameters must be of builtin type (Args/env/ENV[_Environ], Args/env/DATASETS/d1c4ec5c8f7e4492ab7b2a8d0b584c88/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/e7f05a856ca34cd88940c4b8774f4c45/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/50e10f640d7548458d9c38ab9aac571b/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/e113a14fec574025a15a5c9868746c4b/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/c520737c392c47608ffd52f33fc593f6/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/12f2a7ee7a7f45b8866d2c5f75e92413/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/640fc2e67b3b4b498fe6d9b1da764911/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/cef7f5e021484b089a5eccf0c014d150/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/28b1c17f1fef47a793f9ac086b2d6b10/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/af33141c123843d4bf0c50db76635bba/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/2b561087cf974658b576fbd17a87bc87/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/366058db107e485ca273a11601e68e7a/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/f4d7bdcb58534f1ebbc5c5578b6801a5/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/90648781cf4f4848a2a66ca572e1edf5/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/a4b6cc7161334df1ad94143a819842d6/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/853a677148c5417e8cc003d6761236e3/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/b4f89b652b1940848f186c5ab9e2de3f/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/231b526d445b416fa487fc902a1ebb0e/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/55a19d9bd15c4c67a6931e3eba7b454a/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/e8289fd5259c4e78830fd2e2d88a6d51/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/55fba0728c3d4af1953fa0fe04b30ce6/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/abc76956f1de41b386fa805e8858c884/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/326ea43fc9ff4e6db5209218b6020ca6/created[datetime], Args/env/DATASETS/172affc0c4bb4a369e75f685782b5ad8/created[datetime])
But that's not used on my side anymore.
It's a weird warning and now it's a weird unreproducible warning, even though I had it on each trial run earlier today.
I really don't know what it's about.
It doesn't affect the process. Everything seems to run fine.
If the warnings would provide a bit more info I could maybe pinpoint it better, but it's really all I got
Yea, I get that.. But it's really hard to tell what's causing it due to the "<unknown>"
Thanks! Let me check if we can reproduce it. BTW what's your clearml package version?
Hi DisturbedParrot38 ! We weren't able to reproduce, but you could find the source of the warning by appending the following code at the top of your script:
import traceback
import warnings
import sys
def warn_with_traceback(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):
log = file if hasattr(file,'write') else sys.stderr
log.write(warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line))
warnings.showwarning = warn_with_traceback
you should (hopefully) see a traceback