Hi TritePigeon86 , if I understand you correctly, you're basically looking for a switch in pipelines (per step) to say "even if step failed, continue the pipeline"?
Hi TritePigeon86 ! Please see continue_behaviour
. You should be able to pass the parameter to your parent step. It is not documented yet, but it should be available in the latest version of clearml. See this for some documentation: None
Lets say I have 2 datasets, each runs steps A-C, with continue_on_fail=True. after, I have a sted D that does something at the end of pipeline. D should run if step C1 and C2 (C for set 1 and C for step 2) completed, failed, skipped or aborted (as long as none of them is still in queue or running)
currently, D runs only if both C1 and C2 completed successfully