@<1729671499981262848:profile|CooperativeKitten94> thanks that indeed helped!!
same helped for elastic db (its important to scale back to 1 and not to 3 right after data migration).
finally im done, thanks for helping 🙂
thanks @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> , the big challenge is the versions of the databases in the docker compose and the versions in the sub charts of mongo and elastic in the helm chart im using. in the helm chart mongo is in version 5 and the newest docker compose still using mongo4.4 and while trying to migrate data from mongo4.4 to mongo 5 its got broken. while trying to change the mongo version in the chart to 4.4 its still got broken. so im kinda lost at the moment, im keep looking for solutions
@<1736194540286513152:profile|DeliciousSeaturtle82> when you copy the folder on the new pod, it crashes almost instantly?
I think Mongo does not like for its db folder to be replaced like this in the running Pod.
You can try by turning off Mongo for a moment (scale it down to 0 replicas from the deployment), then create a one-time Pod (non-mongo, you can use an ubuntu image for example) mounting the same volume that Mongo was mounting, and try using this Pod to copy the db folder in the right place. When it's done, delete this Pod and scale back to 1 the Mongo deployment.
Hi @<1736194540286513152:profile|DeliciousSeaturtle82> , basically all the data is stored in /opt/clearml/data
as long as you migrate that to the input of the k8s deployment you should be good.
@<1729671499981262848:profile|CooperativeKitten94> the pod is crashing during the migration of the files, im copying the db
folder with all the wt
files, etc. into the db
folder of the mongo pods
@<1736194540286513152:profile|DeliciousSeaturtle82> the data folder for mongo4 and mongo5 might be slightly different. What is the target path where you're moving data in mongo5? And how is that mounted?
And when you say "broken", could you elaborate on that? Does the target Mongo Pod crash when trying to move the data? Or you succeed in copying the data but can't see the result in the UI?