Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
10 months ago
Badges 1
979 × Eureka!Hi, I encountered a bug on clearml-server 1.0.1: I tried to add in a project page a custom column in +HYPER PARAMETERS > Args > queue and got an error pop up...
3 years ago
Hey guys, quick question: is there a tool function to know if a task id is valid? Not verifying that the task itself exists, just that the task id is the cor...
4 years ago
Not very important, but small suggestion for the web UI: under the QUEUES tab, in the queues wait time graph, would it be possible to switch from seconds to ...
3 years ago
Hi, there is a small bug with auto-refreshing in the DEBUG SAMPLES Tab of the Web UI: If it is ON, then it will always force the first series to be displayed...
3 years ago
Hi, I would like to report another bug introduced with clearml-server 1.2.0: In the comparison page of two experiments, on the scalar tab, with the graph lay...
3 years ago
Hi folks, Is it possible to use an aws p3 instance (which as several GPUs) with one agent per GPU, all controlled through ClearML AWS AutoScheduler? So Clear...
Another strange behavior of the python SDK CLI: after executing python my_task.py, where my_task.py creates and send to the queue an experiment, the command ...
3 years ago
Hi, I have several long running experiments failing with Process failed, exit code -9 and no other error with clearml 1.0.4 and clearml-agent 1.0.0, what cou...
3 years ago
trains-elastic | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-12-07T15:19:11,101Z", "level": "ERROR", "component": "o.e.b.ElasticsearchUncaughtExceptionHandler", "c...
4 years ago
Hi, a small bug (not really a bug) in the autoscaler: I have p3.2xlarge instances that take a long time to shutdown. With polling_interval_time_min=1 , the a...
3 years ago
Hi quick question: does Task.connect_configuration support OmegaConf DictConfig objects? ie. Can I do: config = train_task.connect_configuration(OmegaConf.lo...
2 years ago
(sorry I pinned the message accidentally 😅 )
4 years ago
Hi again, it seems like the aws autoscaler is not spinning instances with the EBS configuration I configured. Here is the configuration: resource_configurati...
Hi, another idea for ClearML web UI: in the projects view, if I have several experiments being enqueued and I sort by “Started” ascending (newest on top), I ...
3 years ago
Hi there, I used clearml-task to send a script to be executed remotely. When being executed remotely Task.current_task() returns None, how should I get the c...
3 years ago
Hi, It seems that the package_manager.pip_version has been removed from the https://allegro.ai/docs/references/trains_ref/#agent , although still being shown...
4 years ago
Hi there, I would like to report a bug with the resizing of the columns in the projects view: it doesn’t work as expected. Please look at the behavior of the...
3 years ago
Hi, in the context of multi-gpu training, is Model.get_local_copy() multi-process safe? or should make sure only the first process calls it first, then others
3 years ago
Hi there, would it be possible to add some Neural Architecture Search example, as for the HyperParameter Optimizer examples?
4 years ago
Hi, I update recently to clearml-server 1.2 (self hosted), great job! I am seeing the popup asking for s3 creds often when navigating in debug samples. I set...
3 years ago
Hi, I have a question regarding the aws-autoscaler: am I understanding correctly that: max_idle_time_min=5 max_spin_up_time_min=10 polling_interval_time_min=...
3 years ago
Are the env variables passed to trains-agent available in experiments run by this trains-agent?
4 years ago
Hi there, congrats for releasing v1 😄 I observed that with pytorch ignite (4.2.0), the metrics of the validation engines are delayed by one epoch. I am not ...
3 years ago
Hi again, my clearml api-server is having a memory leak. Each time I restart it, its ram consumption grows until getting OOM, is not killed and make the ec2 ...
3 years ago
Hi, is it possible to get an artifact from a Task and force not using local cache? The task itself updated the artifact in the meantime and I cannot get the ...
4 years ago
Hi, I would like to create backups of my trains-server periodically. I was thinking about creating a service task under the devops project. The backup task w...
4 years ago
Hi, I have an agent that is running two experiments at the same time: one that was running for a long time (11h) and one that the agent picked up afterwards,...
4 years ago
Hi, I am getting the following errors in the experiments I am currently running: 2021-06-25 17:11:47,911 - clearml.Metrics - ERROR - Action failed <504/0: ev...
3 years ago
Hi, I would like to use pytorch3d==0.5.0 with torch==1.9.1 on cuda version 110, locally it works, but the clearml agent fails setting up the environment with...
3 years ago
Hi, I would like to switch from the elastic-search service in the docker-compose of the clearml-server to an externally managed, scalable elastic-search clus...
3 years ago
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