Active since 10 January 2023
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one year ago
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662 Γ Eureka!Can I run an autoscaler listening to a regular queue (i.e. combine autoscaling with on premise machines)? Or does it run the danger of creating an EC2 instan...
2 years ago
Can I somehow change a project settings via the Python SDK?
2 years ago
Is there an easy way to add a link to one of the tasks panels? (as an artifact, configuration, info, etc)? EDIT: And follow up regarding the dataset. As disc...
2 years ago
What could cause a queue to be recreated automatically? I experimented with the autoscaler with queue name foo , got it working, closed the autoscaler, delet...
2 years ago
Does ClearML exposes (even temporarily) the contents of e.g. sdk.aws.s3 to the relevant environment variables (i.e. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY )? Specifically, if...
2 years ago
Back to autoscaler; is there any way to ensure the environment variables on the services queue (where the scaler runs) will be automatically exposed to new E...
2 years ago
If I clone a task, I suppose all artifacts are not cloned with it, even if they are registered, right?
2 years ago
How would I go about adding multiple credentials in the autoscaler? (i.e. specify multiple sdk.aws.s3.credentials ) It's a bit odd that one would also have t...
2 years ago
We're moving from on-premise to AWS - is there an easy way to migrate wall the tasks, projects, etc to the new instance?
2 years ago
Can we temporarily disable the autologging feature? (specifically for matplotlib ?)
2 years ago
Does ClearML have any suggestions on GPU and non-GPU AMIs for the AutoScaler? The two default ones in the documentation are either: Non-existent (too old) - ...
2 years ago
Good week ClearML team π I have found two more WebUI bugs (on the self-hosted server): If I look at a specific experiment (say, the Artifacts tab), and then...
2 years ago
Back to this ClearML Monitor: Could not detect iteration reporting, falling back to iterations as seconds-from-start π’ Hanging for the past ~45m like this
2 years ago
Since v1.4.0, our StorageManager.download_folder(..., local_folder='./') is failing - we've had to revert back to 1.3.2. I saw the changelist includes a fix ...
2 years ago
Does the ClearML team still post updates in this channel when new ClearML versions come out? If not, what's the easiest way to keep track of various release ...
2 years ago
I'd like the CONSOLE in a ClearML run to show only the stdout/stderr as it does now, but I'd also like ClearML to capture DEBUG level logs. Is there an easy ...
2 years ago
We use environment variables in our clearml.conf , but those might only be available later down the line (after dotenv.load_dotenv is called). When those env...
3 years ago
We're trying to use the AWS autoscaler and have managed to get it up and running with spinning up instances. However, it does not seem to pull any of the tas...
3 years ago
What privileges/IAM role would the AWS autoscaler need?
3 years ago
More clarification on documentation (ClearML Data): > Dataset changes are stored using differentiable storage, meaning a version will store the change-set fr...
3 years ago
We're using Ray and ClearML together, and suddenly we're seeing some hanging threads, and finally we got an error message: 2022-01-10 09:58:56,803 [ERROR] [C...
3 years ago
Is there any way (or are there any plans) to include some view for datasets in the WebUI? One that is detached from the generating task?
3 years ago
I realize I'm asking many niche questions - my apologies π Is there a way to translate task.data.user (user ID) to the actual username? Use case is that I'd...
3 years ago
Confirming about the documentation for clearml.conf : > agent.enable_task_env > ( > bool > ) Set the OS environments based on the Task's Environment section ...
3 years ago
Is there a way to set precedence on package managers? If we set an agent to use poetry it will ignore local packages, even if I use the force_requirements_en...
3 years ago
Sometimes, on shorter tasks, my Task would hang for the 5 minute timeout with e.g. 2022-01-04 08:45:25,181 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting for repository det...
3 years ago
Follow up on execute_remotely, I see one can limit the available GPU resources in a worker daemon; could one also limit the number of CPU cores available?
3 years ago
When uploading an artifact, can I list it in some grouping (like with parameters, having e.g. Args/foo , Args/bar )?
3 years ago
What happens to file that are downloaded to a remote_execution via StorageManager? Are they removed at the end of the run, or does it continuously increases ...
3 years ago
Can one compare experiments/tasks from different projects? EDIT: I mean, I can manually navigate to some /compare-experiments end point and then find the tas...
3 years ago
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