Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
How Would I Go About Adding Multiple Credentials In The Autoscaler? (I.E. Specify Multiple

How would I go about adding multiple credentials in the autoscaler? (i.e. specify multiple sdk.aws.s3.credentials )
It's a bit odd that one would also have to put the keys and secrets freely in a text-form btw, I would have expected the AWS autoscaler to propagate from the clearml.conf that it uses during the run 🤔

Posted one year ago
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Answers 16

Which config file? The one sitting locally on your computer? You would still need to transmit that data to the application that is spinning the instances up and down. Maybe a CLI? But that would be adding more complexity on top of it. What do you think?

Posted one year ago

Before injecting anything into the instances you need to spin them up somehow. This is achieved by the application that is running and the credentials provided. So the credentials need to be provided to the AWS application somehow.

Posted one year ago

I would expect the service to actually implicitly inject it to new instances prior to applying the user's extra configuration 🤔

Posted one year ago

That doesn't make sense? 🤔
Maybe I was not clear, but it's a simple part of the config file.

Posted one year ago

Hi UnevenDolphin73 ,

I think you need to lunch multiple instances to use multiple creds.

Posted one year ago

So basically what I'm looking for and what I have now is something like the following:
(Local) I have a well-defined aws_autoscaler.yaml that is used to run the AWS autoscaler. That same autoscaler is also run with CLEARML_CONFIG_FILE=.... (Remotely) The autoscaler launches, listens to the predefined queue, and is able to launch instances as needed. I would run a remote execution task object that's appended to the autoscaler queue. The autoscaler picks it up, launches a new instance. The requirements are installed, the git credentials are copied from the aws_autoscaler.yaml . ---here is the error--- my task fails since it does not have additional sdk.aws.s3.credentials required to access specific buckets

Posted one year ago

Since the additional credentials are available to the autoscaler when it boots up (via the config file), I thought it could use those natively?

Posted one year ago

Does that make sense CostlyOstrich36 ? Any thoughts on how to treat this? For the time being I'm also perfectly happy to include something specific to extra_clearml_conf , but I'm not sure how to set the sdk.aws.s3.credentials to be a list of dictionaries as needed

Posted one year ago

If I set the following:
"extra_clearml_conf": "sdk.aws.s3.credentials = [\n{\nhost: 'ip:9000'\nkey: 'xxx'\nsecret: 'xxx'\nmultipart: false\nsecure: false\n},\n{\nhost: 'ip2:9000'\nkey: 'xxx'\nsecret: 'xxx'\nmultipart: false\nsecure: false\n}\n]"I run into a weird furl error:
ValueError: Invalid port '9000''.

Posted one year ago

UPDATE: Apparently the quotation type matters for furl ? I switched the ' to \" and it seems to work now

Posted one year ago

That's up and running and is perfectly fine.

Posted one year ago

I am indeed

Posted one year ago

-ish, still debugging some weird stuff. Sometimes ClearML picks ip and sometimes ip2 , and I can't tell why 🤔

Posted one year ago

Hi UnevenDolphin73 , so all works now? With multi credentials?

Posted one year ago

UnevenDolphin73 , I think I might have skipped a beat. Are you running the autoscaler through the code example in the repo?

Posted one year ago

TimelyPenguin76 CostlyOstrich36 It seems a lot of manual configurations is required to get the EC2 instances up and running.
Would it not make sense to update the autoscaler (and example script) so that the config.yaml that's used for the autoscaler service is implicitly copied to the EC2 services, and then any extra_clearml_conf are used/overwritten?

Posted one year ago