Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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106 Questions, 749 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 10 months ago



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662 × Eureka!
0 <Edited> Two Things:

Now I tried setting pip version to <22.3 (both in the config and in the scaler's "extra config parameters"), but still it uses the latest?

added seed packages: pip==22.3.1, setuptools==65.5.1, wheel==0.38.4

2 years ago
0 Hello All, I'M Trying To Run A Few Pipeline Tasks Remotely Via A Private Docker Image But Struggling To Find Any Documentation On How/Where The

Not sure if ClearML has any built in support, but we used the above for a similar issue but with Prefect2 :)

one year ago
0 Trying To Run Aws Autoscaler With

Let me have a quick look.

2 years ago
0 One More Follow-Up Still; We'Re Trying To Run Non-Gpu Scaler, And I'Ve Finally Sorted Out Subnet And Security Groups Issues, Only To Run Into This:

TimelyPenguin76 here's the full log (took a moment to anonynomize completely):

Using environment access key CLEARML_API_ACCESS_KEY=xxx
Using environment secret key CLEARML_API_SECRET_KEY=********
Current configuration (clearml_agent v1.3.0, location: /tmp/.clearml_agent.zs4e7egs.cfg):

sdk.storage.cache.default_base_dir = ~/.clearml/cache
sdk.storage.cache.size.min_free_bytes = 10GB
sdk.storage.direct_access.0.url = file://*
sdk.metrics.file_history_size = 100

2 years ago
0 Sometimes, On Shorter Tasks, My Task Would Hang For The 5 Minute Timeout With E.G.

Uhhh, not really unfortunately :white_frowning_face: . I have ~20 tasks happening in a single file, and it's quite random if/when this happens. I just noticed this tends to happen with the shorter tasks

2 years ago
0 Can I Somehow Change A Project Settings Via The Python Sdk?

I'd like to remove the hidden system tag from a project

one year ago
0 Does Anyone Know How We Can Restore Clearml On Helms Chart From Existing Snapshots (Aws)?

Actually, it appears some elements (scalars, plots, etc) have no migrated by moving mongodb data.
Where are these stored? Any idea @<1523701827080556544:profile|JuicyFox94> ?

one year ago
0 For Remote Execution Where The Queue Has

Couldn't the agent just come with the toml library? Kinda easy to load up and check if poetry is present then... 🤔

But yes it indeed used poetry correctly, though it would fail in other circumstances

one year ago
0 When Using

Any leads TimelyPenguin76 ? I've also tried setting up a minio s3 bucket, but I'm not sure if the remote agent has copied the credentials and host 🤔

3 years ago
0 We'Re Trying To Upgrade Our Clearml On K8S But We'Re Getting This Error -

Full log:
` command: /usr/sbin/helm --version=4.1.2 upgrade -i --reset-values --wait -f=/tmp/tmp77d9ecye.yml clearml clearml/clearml
msg: |-
Failure when executing Helm command. Exited 1.
stderr: W0728 09:23:47.076465 2345 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodDisruptionBudget is deprecated in v1.21+, unavailable in v1.25+; use policy/v1 PodDisruptionBudget
W0728 09:23:47.126364 2345 warnings.go:70] policy/v1beta1 PodDisruptionBudget is deprecated in v1.21+, unava...

2 years ago
0 When Using

21s is just ridiculous, it's scanning the entire file system starting at /

3 years ago
0 When Using

some absolute path, i.e. /data/clearml

3 years ago
0 Is There Any Testing Suite That Ships With Clearml? If We'D Like To Make Some Unit Tests For Our Code?

This is with:
Task.set_offline_mode(True) task = Task.init(..., auto_connect_streams=False)

2 years ago
0 How Can I Ensure Tasks In A Pipeline Have The Same Environment As The Pipeline Itself? It Seems A Bit Counter-Intuitive That The Pipeline (Executed Remotely) Captures The Local Environment, But The Tasks (Executed Remotely) Do Not Use That Same Environmen

How or why is this the issue? I great something is getting lost in translation :D
On the local machine, we have all the packages needed. The code gets sent for remote execution, and all the local packages are frozen correctly with pip.
The pipeline controller task is then generated and executed remotely, and it has all the relevant packages.
Each component it launches, however, is missing the internal packages available earlier :(

one year ago
0 The Clearml Helm Charts Page Is Gone?

Any updates on this? We can't do anything with our K8s since this 404...

one year ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

But... Which queue does it listen to, and which type of instances will it use etc

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

Yes, I’ve found that too (as mentioned, I’m familiar with the repository). My issue is still that there is documentation as to what this actually offers.
Is this simply a helm chart to run an agent on a single pod? Does it scale in any way? Basically - is it a simple agent (similiar to on-premise agents, running in the background, but here on K8s), or is it a more advanced one that offers scaling features? What is it intended for, and how does it work?

The official documentation are very spa...

one year ago
0 We Use Environment Variables In Our

Would it also be loaded on e.g. Task.running_locally() ?

2 years ago
0 What Could Cause A Queue To Be Recreated Automatically? I Experimented With The Autoscaler With Queue Name

Could also be related to K8, so pinging JuicyFox94 just in case 😉

2 years ago
0 What Would Be The Best Way To Approach This Flow?

Right and then for text (file path) use some regex or similar for extraction, and for dictionary simply parse the values?

2 years ago
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