Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
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Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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106 Questions, 749 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 9 months ago



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662 × Eureka!
0 Clearml Server V1.2.0 Has Just Been Released!

FYI @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> (or I might be doing something wrong), but it seems the python migration code comes with carriage returns, so it fails on linux by default (one has to tr -d '\r' to use it)

EDIT: And also it defaults to /opt/allegro/data rather than the recommended /opt/clearml/data which is suggested when installing the server 🤔

2 years ago
0 Clearml Server V1.2.0 Has Just Been Released!

It was really easy with the attached code, really 👍

I would only maybe suggest adding in the documentation, that if one uses the default recommended install location, then the script can be run without any command line arguments.
I had to momentarily look at the code to see the default paths match my own (though I could've also looked at --help default values 😛 )

2 years ago
0 Does The Clearml Team Still Post Updates In This Channel When New Clearml Versions Come Out? If Not, What'S The Easiest Way To Keep Track Of Various Release Candidates Etc (Short Of Signing Up And Registering For Notifications On Pypi)

And agent too, I hope..?

I'd be happy to join a #releases channel just for these!

Just randomly decided to check and saw there's a server 1.4 ready 🎉

2 years ago
0 Hi There, I Used

The Task.init is called at a later stage of the process, so I think this relates again to the whole setup process we've been discussing both here and in #340... I promise to try ;)

2 years ago
0 What Would Be The Best Way To Approach This Flow?

And last but not least, for dictionary for example, it would be really cool if one could do:
my_config = task.connect_configuration(my_config, name=name) my_other_config = task.connect_configuration(my_other_config, name=other_name) my_other_config['bar'] = my_config # Creates the link automatically between the dictionaries

2 years ago
0 We'Re Running Into Errors Such As This:

Running a self-hosted server indeed. It's part of a code that simply adds or uploads an artifact 🤔

2 years ago
0 When Uploading An Artifact, Can I List It In Some Grouping (Like With Parameters, Having E.G.

So basically I'm wondering if it's possible to add some kind of small hierarchy in the artifacts, be it sections, groupings, tabs, folders, whatever.

2 years ago
0 Can One Compare Experiments/Tasks From Different Projects? Edit: I Mean, I Can Manually Navigate To Some

I can navigate through the projects, but selecting one task in one project, then navigating to another project and selecting a different task -> there is no suggestion to compare the tasks.

In the projects page if I show all - I just see the projects. If I search for a task of similar name, I get results, but I can't compare them via the UI.

The only way I managed so far was to create a pseudo-comparison between unrelated tasks in the same project, then remove one task from comparion, and u...

2 years ago
0 I Think Something Is Messed Up In My Remote Agents Environment, Could Someone Lend A Hand? I'M Getting This During Remote Execution (Poetry Queue):

Latest (1.5.1 I believe?), full log incoming, but it's like I've posted elsewhere already 🤔
It just sets up the environment and immediately crashes when trying to run the code.
The setup itself is done correctly.

one year ago
0 Is There Any Testing Suite That Ships With Clearml? If We'D Like To Make Some Unit Tests For Our Code?

Another example - trying to validate dataset interactions ends with

` else:
self._created_task = True
dataset_project, parent_project = self._build_hidden_project_name(dataset_project, dataset_name)
task = Task.create(
project_name=dataset_project, task_name=dataset_name, task_type=Task.TaskTypes.data_processing)
if bool(Session.check_min_api_server_version(Dataset.__min_api_version)):

2 years ago
0 I Have Some Code That Launches Ml Tasks And It Accepts A Yaml File,

You mean at the container level or at clearml?

Yes, the container level (when these docker shell scripts run).
The per user ID would be nice, except I upload the .env file before the Task is created (it's only available really early in the code).

3 years ago
0 How Can I Send A Composed Chunk Of Code For Remote Execution

I think also the script path in the created task will cause some issues, but let’s see…

10 months ago
0 I Guess One Experiment Is Running Backwards In Time

I have seen this quite frequently as well tbh!

2 years ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

Anything else you’d recommend paying attention to when setting the clearml-agent helm chart?

one year ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

We’re using karpenter (more magic keywords for me), so my understanding is that that will manage the scaling part.

one year ago
0 Is There Any Testing Suite That Ships With Clearml? If We'D Like To Make Some Unit Tests For Our Code?

I'll try it out, but I would not like to rewrite that code myself maintain it, that's my point 😅

Or are you suggesting I Task.import_offline_session ?

2 years ago
0 Does Clearml Have Any Suggestions On Gpu And Non-Gpu Amis For The Autoscaler? The Two Default Ones In The Documentation Are Either:

I'd like to set up both with and without GPUs. I can use any region, preferably some EU one.

2 years ago
0 Are The Docs Broken?

No, fixed 🙂

2 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Generate Usage Stats And Reports For Queues? For Example, How Often Is A Queue Used, How Much Cpu Does

CostlyOstrich36 That looks promising, but I don't see any documentation on the returned schema (i.e. workers.worker_stats is not specified anywhere?)

2 years ago
0 How Can I Ensure Tasks In A Pipeline Have The Same Environment As The Pipeline Itself? It Seems A Bit Counter-Intuitive That The Pipeline (Executed Remotely) Captures The Local Environment, But The Tasks (Executed Remotely) Do Not Use That Same Environmen

We have an internal mono-repo and some of the packages are required - they’re all available correctly for the controller, only some are required for the individual tasks, but the “magic” doesn’t happen 😞
That is, the controller does not identify them as a requirement, so they’re not installed in the tasks environment.

one year ago
0 How Can I Ensure Tasks In A Pipeline Have The Same Environment As The Pipeline Itself? It Seems A Bit Counter-Intuitive That The Pipeline (Executed Remotely) Captures The Local Environment, But The Tasks (Executed Remotely) Do Not Use That Same Environmen

It’s just that for the packages argument, ClearML says:

If not provided, packages are automatically added based on the imports used inside the wrapped function.

So… 🤔

one year ago
0 Can I Somehow Change A Project Settings Via The Python Sdk?

I can also do this via Mongo directly, but I was hoping to skip the K8S interaction there.

one year ago
0 For Some Reason The Agent Is Now Trying To Use Python 2.7 All Of A Sudden, Any Idea Why?

Any follow up thoughts SuccessfulKoala55 or CostlyOstrich36 ?

2 years ago
0 Is There An Autoscaler Equivalent For K8S? That Is, A Service That Will Launch Pods Based On Incoming Requests?

Right, so where can one find documentation about it?
The repo just has the variables with not much explanations.

one year ago
0 Clearml Version 1.8.1 Had "Fix" For The Deferred Init Which Introduces A Bug Btw, I'Ve Opened

The deferred_init input argument to Task.init is bool by default, so checking type(deferred_init) == int makes no sense to begin with, and is altering the flow.

2 years ago
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