Active since 10 January 2023
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11 months ago
Badges 1
125 × Eureka!Can I change the clearml-serving inference port? 8080 is already used for my self-hosted server.. I guess I can just change it in the docker-compose, but I f...
2 years ago
is there a way to limit the number of jobs/tasks that can run concurrently on the services queues?
2 years ago
I have a little bit of code that goes like: import argparse from clearml import Task from DeployKit.argument_parser import get_parser import KitUtils if __na...
4 years ago
what is the series parameter of the Logger class functions for?
4 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to set up my trains-server and I'm getting the following: (base) emilio
4 years ago
is there a way to get a Task's docker container id/name? I'm generally interested in resource profiling of each container, so I noticed I can use docker stat...
2 years ago
Quick question, can trains log keras loss values and/or metrics automatically? Or would I have to attach a tensorboard callback?
4 years ago
is there a way to copy the entire folder an agent in a machine (different from server machine) builds to the server machine?
4 years ago
what is the python version an agent runs a task with? the one the agent was launched with, or the task? i.e. if Iaunch an agent with python 3.8.5, but a task...
4 years ago
how can i disable agent pip caching? sometimes the agents load an earlier version of one of my libraries. i'm running them in docker mode
2 years ago
what could be causing this?
3 years ago
clearly the link is 404
3 years ago
Hi there, are there any plans to add better documentation/examples to clearml-serving ? I have my serving working with version 0.9.0, but I can't see any doc...
2 years ago
I've been seeing this message and similar messages a lot in some of my tasks lately... any ideas? 2022-08-05 16:09:55,492 - clearml.Metrics - ERROR - Action ...
2 years ago
I'm having some trouble setting up my trains-server configuration for trains. After copying the credentials I get the following: (tft) --:~$ trains-init TRAI...
4 years ago
are the ClearML server AWS AMIs a paid only feature?
2 years ago
is it generally recommended to close API client sessions? Like if I open a client like this: from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient client ...
2 years ago
Is it possible to restrict an agent's cpu usage? like limit the number of cores it can use?
4 years ago
How do I disable completely any kind of python env caching by the agents? I tried having venvs_cache: { # maximum number of cached venvs max_entries: 10 # mi...
2 years ago
What does it mean to publish a model or a dataset?
4 years ago
One question.. If I had a Docker image in the Docker registry that had all the requirements of a task already installed, would that let the clearml-agents sk...
2 years ago
is there a way to tell an experiment not to use caches? from the python API specifically. something like task.use_caches = False ? I don't want it to use any...
3 years ago
we're getting critical alerts for elasticsearch container around the JDK version. it's apparently end-of-life. can you look into upgrading the image? it look...
4 years ago
quick question about the cleanup service: one argument is cleanup_period_in_days , another is run_as_service . If the latter is false, it should only run onc...
4 years ago
Has anyone used clearml-serving and successfully sent an inference request via curl? I'm having trouble trying to send an inference request to the keras mnis...
3 years ago
Is there a way to deploy a ClearML server with a preconfigured user + its credentials?
one year ago
if I have 1 machine with a GPU, can I put a worker on it with GPU and two workers with --cpu-only ? i.e. can 2 workers in the same machine be launched in cpu...
2 years ago
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