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25 × Eureka!DeliciousBluewhale87 out of curiosity , what do you mean by "deployment functionality" ? is it model serving ?
Interesting use case, do you already have the connect_configuration
in the code? or do we need to somehow create it ?
Hi OutrageousGrasshopper93
When the Task is executed on a worker, the presence of spaces breaks the URLs and from the UI I cannot access to the resources on the bucket
You are saying the URLs generated in a remote execution are "broken" and on local execution are working, even though it is the same project/task name ?
SoggyFrog26 there is a full pythonic interface, why don't you use this one instead, much cleaner 🙂
Hi EnchantingOstrich20
You how doe s clearml get it there?
In runtime it analyzes the code you are running looking for imports then checks the version you have actively used (i.e. active venv / python) and lists it there.
You can also override those in code, or edit them after you clone the ask and before you enqueue it for remote execution
SmallBluewhale13 the final path is automatically generated, you only need to specify the bucket itself. By default it will be your "files_server"
You can either change the configuration (which will make sure All uploaded artificats will always be there, including debug images etc.)
You can specify where you want the artifacts and debug images to be uploaded by setting:
Hi @<1639799308809146368:profile|TritePigeon86>
Sounds awesome, how can we help?
You can however change the prefix, and you can always have access to these links.
Any reason for controlling the exact output destination ?
(BTW: You can manually upload via StorageManager, and then register the uploaded link)
SmarmySeaurchin8 regarding the original question:task.set_project(project_id)
Task.get_projects() to get all the project names/ids
Any chance you can zip the entire folder? I can't figure out what's missing, specifically "from config_files" , i.e. I have no packages nor file named config_files
Hi ObnoxiousStork61
Is it possible to report ie. validation scalars but shifted by 1/2 iteration?
No 😞 these are integers
What's the reason for the shift?
I'm also curious 🙂
LOL, could be there is no remote repository ?
Hi @<1536881167746207744:profile|EnormousGoose35>
, Could we just share the entire project instead of Workspace ?
You mean allow access to a project between workspaces ?
If the answer is yes, then unfortunatly the SaaS version ( does not really support these level of RBAC, this is part of the enterprise version, which assumes a large organization with the need for that kind of access limit.
What is the use case ? Why not just share the entire workspace ?
Hmm EmbarrassedPeacock82
Let's try with--input-size -1 60 1 --aux-config input.format=FORMAT_NCHW
BTW: this seems like a triton LSTM configuration issue, we might want to move the discussion to the Triton server issue, wdyt?
Notice both needs to be str
btw, if you need the entire folder just use StorageManager.upload_folder
Bugs, definitely GitHub, this is the easiest to track.
Documentation, if these are small issues, Slack is fine, otherwise, GitHub issue.
Regrading the documentation, we are working on another iteration of improvement, but if you find inaccuracies/broken links please report 🙂
(BTW: you can disable the auto-logging feature of joblib)Task.init(..., auto_connect_frameworks={'scikit': False})
I'm running hyper parameter optimzation on LSF cluster where every task is an LSF job running without clearml-agent
WOW this is so cool! 🎊
Hi JitteryCoyote63 , is there a callback for that?
See here:
Pass these environment variables as part of the YAML template you are using with the k8s.
Should work for both 🙂
WittyOwl57 what about? vm.max_map_count
echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" > /tmp/99-clearml.conf
sudo mv /tmp/99-clearml.conf /etc/sysctl.d/99-clearml.conf
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
sudo service docker restart ` (5)
Unfortunately this sounds a classic case of RBAC (role based access control), and only the enterprise version has that feature (I think there is a contact us button on the website for those queries).
The easiest way to support the use case you describe is to share on a Task level 😞
Is this the correct link to the repo and a valid commit id ?
Can you post a few more lines from the agent's log ?
Something is failing to install I'm just not sure what
Yes, actually the first step would be a toggle button for regexp in the search, the second will be even more advanced search.
May I suggest you post it on the UI suggestion issue ?
Hi SharpHedgehog60
Task type is another way to declare the type of processing the Task performs.
Later you can filter based on the Task type (like you would with a Tag).
For example Datasets are always of a Type "data processing"
could you remove it and test ?