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Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running πŸŽ‰ None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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This is usually due to enterprise level issued https certificates not part of the local installation (basically any python generated SSL request will fail)
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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0 Votes 7 Answers 412 Views
Thank you all for taking the time to answer our survey (If you haven't already, we urge you to do so ). Your feedback has a major impact on what we build, do...
4 years ago
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3 years ago
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Lol, I wonder what the adblock rule was ;)
4 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: , if you want to checkout the Hyper-Parameters automation (Using Bayesian Optimization Hyper-Band) We have an example on the demo s...
4 years ago
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Hello Everyone!
4 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: If you want to get some inspiration on building DL Continuous Integration pipelines, I suggest this post (obviously built on top of...
4 years ago
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New releases: pip install trains==0.13.3https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.13.3 pip install trains-agent==0.13.2https://github.com/allegroai/...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 372 Views
@<1523703325881536512:profile|ConvolutedSealion94> these are xgboost internal metrics that are automatically picked by clearml
one year ago
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We are at AAAI NY, come look us up :)
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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Hi Guys! I have great news, we finally fully implemented support for continuing previously trained models πŸŽ‰ Here is a quick example (this is torch, but any ...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 478 Views
we recently released a new version of clearml-session with Persistent Workspace support! πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ Finally you can develop on remote machines with workspace fold...
6 months ago
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0 Hi,

Hi FloppyDeer99

What is the meaning of no real scheduling

I think the meaning is that from the moment a k8s job is created, the k8s is in charge of actually spinning the container. Since k8s has no real priority/order the scheduling order is not guaranteed form this point.

The idea of the cleaml-k8s -glue is that the glue will launch a job on the k8s cluster only if it is sure there are enough resources to actually spin the job now (as opposed to, sometime in the future), this mea...

3 years ago
2 months ago
0 After Trying To Execute A Task From The Queue The Agent Fails Installing The Environment:

That is odd, can you send the full Task log? (Maybe some oddity with conda/pip ?!)

2 years ago
4 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have Questions Related To Clearml-Serving.

I want to build a real time data streaming anomaly detection service with clearml-serving

Oh, so the way it currently works clearml-serving will push the data in real-time into Prometheus (you can control the stats/input/out), then you can build the anomaly detection in grafana (for example alerts on histograms over time is out-of-the-box, and clearml creates the histograms overtime).
Would you also need access to the stats data in Prometheus ? or are you saying you need to process it ...

2 years ago
0 If I Have A Task And A Dataset Is Being Created In A Task, How Can I Get A “Link” That This Dataset Is Created In This Task, Similar To How Model Has The Task Where It Came From

Seems like passing the Task object is not working as expected (I'll make sure it is fixed).

3 years ago
0 <no title>

is there a way to visualize the pipeline such that this step is β€œstuck” in executing?

Yes there is, the pipelline plot (see plots section on the Pipeline Task, will show the current state of the pipeline.
But I have a feeling you have something else in mind?
Maybe add Tag on the pipeline Task itself (then remove it when it continues) ?
I'm assuming you need something that is quite prominent in the UI, so someone knows ?
(BTW I would think of integrating it with the slack monitor, to p...

3 years ago
0 Thread Re: Pipelines And How They'Re Meant To Be Used / How Long They Take To Orchestrate.

if i put pipe.start earlier in the code, the pipeline fails to execute the actual steps.

pipe.start should be called after the pipeline was constructed and should be the "last" call of the script.
Not sure I follow what is "before" the code?

4 months ago
0 Anyone Deployed Trains On Azure, I Am Interested To Know About Your Experience.

For setting trains-server I would recommend the docker-compose, it is very easy to setup, and you just need a single fixed compute instance, details https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/blob/master/docs/install_linux_mac.md With regards to the "low prio clusters", are you asking how they could be connected with the trains-agent or if running code that uses trains will work on them?

4 years ago
0 When Running An Agent Inside Google Colab, I Always Get This Error After Dependency Installation:

Thanks @<1694157594333024256:profile|DisturbedParrot38> !
Nice catch.
Could you open a github issue so that at least we output a more informative error?

5 months ago
0 Hi! I Have A Gpu Workstation At The Office (No Public Ip) With Latest Clearml-Agent Installed. When I Was In The Same Network - I Was Able To Use Clearml-Session From My Laptop. Now I Work From Home, And Clearml-Session Fails With

Oh in that case add --remote-gateway <external_ip> It will connect to the provided address instead of the local one. (you can also add --public-ip which will automatically resolve the public IP of the server

3 years ago
0 Hi. Question About Dataset Upload Errors: When Uploading A

setting max_workers to 1 prevents the error (but, I assume, it may come the cost of slower sequential uploads).

This seems like a question to GS storage, maybe we should open an issue there, their backend does the rate limit

My main concern now is that this may happen within a pipeline leading to unreliable data handling.

I'm assuming the pipeline code will have max_workers, but maybe we could have a configuration value so that we can set it across all workers, wdyt?


one year ago
0 I Have An On-Prem/Free Clearml-Server Setup With Custom S3 Back-End Storage. I'M Trying Out The Clearml-Serving Capability And Not Sure What'S Failing. When I Start The Serving Containers It Can'T Retrieve The Model:

Okay that makes sense, if this is the case I'm assuming you have set the files server to point to your S3 bucket is that correct ?
could it be you are missing the credentials for that (it is trying to upload the preprocessing code there, so the clearml-serving container would be able to pull it later)

one year ago
0 Is It Possible To Increase The Polling Interval For K8S Glue? Currently It Is 5 Seconds I Believe. Would Adding An Argument For It Help? Can Do A Pr If So

Ex: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
K8S Glue pods monitor: Failed parsing kubectl output:

Run with --debug as the first parameter
Are you running the latest from the git repo ?

3 years ago
0 Hi All! I Have A Question About Pipelines. My Pipeline Consists Of Several Steps:

πŸ€” maybe we should have "sub nodes" as just visual functions running inside the same actual pipeline component ?

one year ago
0 Probably A Novice Question, But I’M Getting

Hi ExuberantParrot61
Is the pipeline logic code running from inside the repo?

2 years ago
0 Crazy Idea:

Hi @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47>
Do you mean to start a remote session instead of the cli directly from the vscode ui and connect to it? If so, that would be awesome!! We have a remote session from the web were it spins you remote session and launches vscode inside the container so you work on it in your browser. But a VSCode plugin is a great idea, do you have a ref code to similar plugins?

11 months ago
0 Hello, I Have A Trained Model (Saved As

Hi OddShrimp85
If you pass 'output_uri=True' to task init, it will upload the model automatically, or as you said manually with outputmodel class

one year ago
0 Hi Everyone And Thanks Again For The Help, I Still Have No Success In Running Clearml Agent, It Just Gets Stuck Without Any Output, On Debug Mode For

This makes no sense to me 😞
Both are reading the exact same file, and using the same session / flow ...
Maybe there is an error with the "verify_certificate" on the agent ?

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone And Thanks Again For The Help, I Still Have No Success In Running Clearml Agent, It Just Gets Stuck Without Any Output, On Debug Mode For

Okay found the issue, to disable SSL verification global add the following env variable:
CLEARML_API_HOST_VERIFY_CERT=0(I will make sure we fix the actual issue with the config file)

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone And Thanks Again For The Help, I Still Have No Success In Running Clearml Agent, It Just Gets Stuck Without Any Output, On Debug Mode For

yes i can communicate with the server, i managed to put tasks in the queue and retrieve them as well as running tasks with metrics reporting

Through the UI or python code ?

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone And Thanks Again For The Help, I Still Have No Success In Running Clearml Agent, It Just Gets Stuck Without Any Output, On Debug Mode For

ChubbyLouse32 could it be the configuration file is not passed to the agent machine itself ?
(were you able to run anything against this internal server? I mean to connect to it from code, clearml/cleamrl-agent) ?

2 years ago
0 Hello, We Are Currently Working On A Hyperparameter Tuning Job For Object Detection Following This Tutorial

. Is there any known issue with amazon sagemaker and ClearML

On the contrary it actually works better on Sagemaker...

Here is what I did on sage maker, created:
created a new sagemaker instance opened jupyter notebook Started a new notebook conda_python3 / conda_py3_pytorchIn then I just did "!pip install clearml" and Task.init
Is there any difference ?

3 years ago
0 For Remote Execution Where The Queue Has

Hi UnevenDolphin73
If you "remove" the lock file the agent will default to pip.
You can hack it with uncommitted changes section?

one year ago
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