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48 Questions, 8044 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
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0 Votes 0 Answers 998 Views
YEY!!!! Download as CSV 🀯
2 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 962 Views
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 838 Views
3 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 975 Views
Hi ClearML v0.17.1 and ClearML-Agent v0.17.0 are now the official packages & repositories πŸŽ‰ 🎊 πŸ‘‹ πŸ›€οΈ This new name brings on many changes, mainly replace a...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 947 Views
This will close it Task.current_task().close()I think we should rename completed() because it just marks the Task as completed on the backend but does not ac...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 958 Views
Hi ! ClearML Server + SDK v1.9.0 is out! πŸŽ‰ πŸš€ 🎊 Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! ❇️ πŸŽ‡ πŸŽ„
one year ago
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0 Votes 10 Answers 438 Views
Happy Friday everyone ! We have a new repo release we would love to get your feedback on πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ Finally easy FRACTIONAL GPU on any NVIDIA GPU 🎊 Run our nvidi...
6 months ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 449 Views
we recently released a new version of clearml-session with Persistent Workspace support! πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ Finally you can develop on remote machines with workspace fold...
6 months ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 349 Views
@<1523703325881536512:profile|ConvolutedSealion94> these are xgboost internal metrics that are automatically picked by clearml
one year ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 441 Views
LSTMeow is back! Bots/Gals/Guys feel free to πŸ‘ None
4 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 365 Views
OMG Look who just joined the PyTorch EcoSystem None Yes! it is TRAINS πŸš† πŸŽ‰ 🎈
4 years ago
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0 Votes 7 Answers 390 Views
Thank you all for taking the time to answer our survey (If you haven't already, we urge you to do so ). Your feedback has a major impact on what we build, do...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 1K Views
New releases: pip install trains==0.13.3https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.13.3 pip install trains-agent==0.13.2https://github.com/allegroai/...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 374 Views
Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running πŸŽ‰ None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 411 Views
πŸ™ There is no v1.0 release without a prompt v1.0.1 following it, and we are no different 😊 pip install clearml==1.0.1
3 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 343 Views
πŸ™ Please skip cleaml python package v1.0.1 and just move on to v1.0.2 😊 apologies for the inconvenience πŸ™‚ pip install clearml==1.0.2
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 861 Views
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 1K Views
🎊 🍾 Happy new year ! πŸŽ† πŸŽ‡ We wanted to thank you all for the great feedback, contribution and general support you guys give us. It is truly fulfilling to ...
3 years ago
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0 Hi, Expanding On

After it finishes the 1st Optimzation task, what's the next job which will be pulled ?

The one in the highest queue (if you have multiple queues)
If you use fairness it will pull in round robin from all queues, (obviously inside every queue it is based on the order of jobs).
fyi, you can reorder the jobs inside the queue from the UI πŸ™‚
DeliciousBluewhale87 wdyt?

3 years ago
0 How Can I Disable Agent Pip Caching? Sometimes The Agents Load An Earlier Version Of One Of My Libraries. I'M Running Them In Docker Mode

requirements specified with git repo

you mean the reuqirements.txt is inside the gir repo? or do you mean a link to the git-repo as part of the requirements?
Can you also provide an example of the content, I think I have an idea

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone! I'M Encountering An Issue When Trying To Deploy An Endpoint For A Large-Sized Model Or Get Inference On A Large Dataset (Both Exceeding ~100Mb). It Seems That They Can Only Be Downloaded Up To About 100Mb. Is There A Way To Increase A Time

Hi @<1671689437261598720:profile|FranticWhale40>
You mean the download just fails on the remote serving node becuause it takes too long to download the model?
(basically not a serving issue per-se but a download issue)

5 months ago
0 I Am Not Using Tensorflow, However The Experiment Shows Some (Useless) Data, Is The Only Way To Get Rid Of It To Specify

I'm assuming some package imports absl (the TF define package) and that's the reason you see the TF defines). Does that make sense?

3 years ago
0 Different Question About Warnings: I'M Getting (Infrequently) This Warning, Followed By My Script Hanging

Okay, progress.
What are you getting when running the following from the git repo folder:
git ls-remote --get-url origin

3 years ago
0 Hi. After Upgrading Clearml To Latest Version, Got This Error From My Pipeline (Windows10, Configured And Running Tensorflowod For Tf 2.3.):

BattyLion34 if everything is installed and used to work, what's the difference from the previous run that worked ?
(You can compare in th UI the working vs non-working, and check the installed packages, it would highlight the diff, maybe the answer is there)

but the requirement was already satisfied.

I'm assuming it is satisfied on the host python environment, do notice that the agent is creating a new clean venv for each experiment. If you are not running in docker-mode, then you ca...

3 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Restrict An Agent'S Cpu Usage? Like Limit The Number Of Cores It Can Use?

Hi ElegantCoyote26
If there is, it will have to be using the docker-mode, but I do not think this is actually possible because this is not a feature of docker. It is possible to do on k8s, but that's a diff level of integration πŸ™‚
FYI we do support k8s integration

3 years ago
one year ago
0 I Deployed A Model With:

Hmm seems like everything is working, can you check in the UI if you see the serving session ID in the DevOps project? maybe there are two, and you configured one an dthe docker-compose is running another ?

one year ago
0 Any Pointers On Running Gpu Tasks With K8S Glue?

overrides -> "kubectl run --overrides "
template -> "kubectl apply template.yaml"

3 years ago
0 Hi, Together With

And thanks again, I really appreciate testing it!

4 years ago
one year ago
0 Hi, I'Ve Got A Quick Question About

the time taken to upload halved. It is puzzling because as you say it's not that much to upload.

Maybe it was the load on the server? meaning dealing with multiple requests at the same time delayed the requests?!

For now I've whittled down the number of entries to a more select but useful few and that has solved the issue. If it crops up again I will try


Thanks for your help!

My pleasure πŸ™‚

2 years ago
0 Hi There, I'Ve Encountered A Problematic Behavior In Python. When Defining An Argument A Default Value Of

PompousBeetle71 quick question, will you ever want to pass an empty string ? reason for asking is that it is either one or the other, there is no way for Trains to actually differentiate (from the web UI, perspective this is just an empty string field...)

4 years ago
0 How, If At All, Should We Cite Clearml In A Research Paper? Would You Like Us To? How About A Footnote/Acknowledgement?

SmallDeer34 I have to admit this reference is relatively old, maybe we should update to auther http://clearml.ml (would that make sense ?)

2 years ago
0 Hi! Is There A Way To Run A Task Without Reporting To The Server? For Example If I Want To Debug A Script By Running It Locally Without It Appearing On The Server

We just don’t want to pollute the server when debugging.

Why not ?
you can always remove it later (with Task.delete) ?

3 years ago
0 Please Skip

Thanks again for crazyfrogspb & Tim for helping to find the extra edge case

3 years ago
0 Hi! I'M Currently Considering Switching To Clearml. In My Current Trials I Am Using Up The Api Calls Very Quickly Though. Is There Some Way To Limit That? The Documentation Is A Bit Sparse On What Uses How Many Api Calls. Is It Possible To Batch Them For


I'm assuming development.worker.report_period_sec , correct?

The configuration does not seem to have any effect, scalars appear in the web UI in close to real time.

Let me see if we can reproduce this behavior and quickly fix

one year ago
0 Is There A Way To Set Precedence On Package Managers? If We Set An Agent To Use

I'm with on this one πŸ™‚ it better to make a company wide decision on these things and not allow too much flexibility (just two options to choose from, and it should be enough, I think)

2 years ago
0 First Time Using Tf (With Pt At The Same Program) Got This Error:

Hi JollyChimpanzee19
What are the versions (clearml , TF , PT), also could you add one more line from the stack (I.e. which call triggered the exception)

3 years ago
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