Hi. First time user here 👋 I have experienced a problem following the getting started documentation. I opened an account on https://app.clear.ml/ I then fol...
2 years ago
Hi. I'm encountering a problem with model.name At least, for models that where auto-magically uploaded. I see it in my own code but you can see it if you run...
2 years ago
Hi. I'm running this little pipeline: from clearml.automation.controller import PipelineDecorator from clearml import TaskTypes @PipelineDecorator.component(...
2 years ago
Hi. I'm just starting out here trying to evaluate clearml ease of use. I'd like to understand whether clearml (paid service) can receive access to a GCP proj...
2 years ago
Hi. I've noticed that my clearml.conf has both: agent.git_user="" agent.git_pass=""and agent { ... git_user: "" git_pass: "" ... }What's the difference? Shou...
2 years ago
Another question on the topic of how a remote execution of a pipeline kills the calling process (previously discussed https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK2...
2 years ago
Hi. I'd like to try the GCP autoscaler. What permissions does the service account that I provide to clearml need? (and what GCP API should I enable in the GC...
2 years ago
suppose I use a pipeline decorator to define a pipeline: @PipelineDecorator.pipeline(name='my-pipeline', project='my-project', version='0.2') def my_pipeline...
2 years ago
Hi. I'm using @PipelineDecorator.component to define a task from a function (to run in a pipeline) I'd like to get the task object within this function so th...
2 years ago
Hi. I have a problem accessing repo code in pipeline components running in an AWS autoscaler (first attempts at doing this) My local clearml.conf file has ag...
2 years ago
Hi. I spent some time this week trying to optimise file transfer time in and out of processes that use google's gcs (in vertex ai pipelines). It seems that i...
2 years ago
Hello community. I'd like to try the AWS autoscaler (I actually prefer to try the GCP one but I think it's broken or, at least, I've failed to make it work s...
2 years ago
Hi there. I'm trying to switch pipeline code from a local run using PipelineDecorator.run_locally()to a slightly-less-local run using PipelineDecorator.set_d...
2 years ago
Hi. Looking into clearml support for datasets, I'd like to understand how to work with large datasets and cases where not all the data is downloaded at once....
2 years ago
I have 5 unarchived pipeline runs that were defined with this decorator: @PipelineDecorator.pipeline( name="fastai_image_classification_pipeline", project="l...
2 years ago
Hi there I'm trying out clearml. I saw mention that clearml can capture tensorboard output so I tried it with this little script (image below). The events fi...
2 years ago
Is there some built-in way in clearml to trigger further action on task fail (or pipeline fail)?
2 years ago
Hi. I have a job that processes images and creates ~5 GB of processed image files (lots of small ones). At the end - it creates a clearml.Dataset and perform...
2 years ago
Hi. Suppose I want to report on what my task has done by having it generate a markdown (.md) file with links to some "local" figure files. looking at the rep...
2 years ago
Hi. Shoulf this command succeed in the presence of project lavi-testing and absence of dataset tmp_datset within it? from clearml import Dataset tmp_dataset ...
2 years ago
Hi. Question about Dataset upload errors: When uploading a clearml.Dataset created with output_uri=" gs://lavi_test/datasets after adding 20 files of size 50...
2 years ago
I have a training task that auto-magically saves a model for me to GCS task = Task.init( project_name=project_name, task_name=f"Image classification training...
2 years ago
Hi I'm looking into how clearml supports datasets and dataset versioning and I'm a bit confused. Is dataset versioning not supported at all in the non-enterp...
2 years ago
Hi. I'm using clearml agent 1.16.1 My code is running a multi-process pool with "spawn" (see here for why) from multiprocessing import get_context ... with g...
5 months ago
I am using the AWS autoscaler and I wish to set my files server to be gs. I tried to do so by having this in the ADDITIONAL CLEARML CONFIGURATION window: api...
2 years ago
I started two pipelines (using AWS autoscaler in app.clear.ml ). The pipelines ran concurrently, using the same pipeline code. Both failed in the same compon...
Hi. I have a few questions about the snippet attached re-running this code produces the same printouts... I chose 47 out of 100 in the pipeline ... I chose 8...
2 years ago
Hi. I am experimenting with clearml.Dataset and encountering an error. LockException: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable In my experiment, I make a ...
2 years ago