The docker container in step 3 does not run because of the incompatibility
I'm getting the same error when I followed the instructions to the letter.
Here is one line from the mongo docker output"This version of MongoDB is too recent to start up on the existing data files. Try MongoDB 4.2 or earlier."
SarcasticSparrow10 why aren't you using the script to do the automatic migration? The steps you're describing are from the manual migration
Just restore the data as it was when you backed it up, and use the automatic script
SarcasticSparrow10 , it seems you are right. At which point in the instructions are you getting errors from which step to which?
I cannot execute step 4 because I can't get past step 3. Does that make sense?
SarcasticSparrow10 , please note that during the upgrade you do NOT copy /opt/clearml/data/mongo
into /opt/clearml/data/mongo_4
, you create the folder like in the instructions: sudo mkdir /opt/clearml/data/mongo_4
This is the reason that it is giving out errors - You've got old mongo data in your mongo 4 folder...
Please follow the instructions to the letter - this should work 🙂
Hi AppetizingMouse58
Yes, I tried to perform steps 3-10, however step 3 raised an error because data files for mongo were incompatible between 3.6 and >4.0
I was getting the error in step number 3
I had to manually create a dump for the mongo data and import it into 4.4. I was just referring to adding a note to the documentation for other users.
Steps 1 and 2 basically copy mongo 3.6 data into a new dir mongo_4
but mongo image of version 4.4 does not accept that data. So I had to perform the following steps:
Launch docker container with mongo=3.6 dump data using mongo dump Launch docker container with mongo=4.4 and empty mongo_4
data dir Restore the dump data using mongo restore
This made sure the data is now compatible with mongo 4.0 or greater
The docker container in step 3 does not run because of the incompatibility
SarcasticSparrow10 , can you add the printouts regarding this?
I mean it is not possible to open v3.6 data in version 4.4. That's why the steps 3-10 are there
Are you sure that it was performed fully according to the suggested sequence? The error that you posted says that v3.6 data is incompatible with v4.4 and suggests version 4.2 or earlier. Step 3 starts with mongo 4.0 that should be able to open v3.6 data. And then a number of gradual updates through versions 4.0->4.2->4.4 is performed
There was some complication during the upgrade so I had to resort to the manual process.
I have now been able to upgrade by dumping the mongodb data and restoring it independently.
Yes, I tried to run steps 1,2,3,4 in order but got stuck at 3
Steps 1 and 2 on this say to backup opt/clearml/data/mongo
and uncompress into /opt/clearml/data/mongo_4
. Isn't it just copying the old data files?
Hi SarcasticSparrow10 , I am trying to understand whether we have some gaps in the instructions. In the upgrade process did you perform the steps 3-10 of the below instruction? Were there any errors when performing these steps?
mongo 4.4 image does not launch a container if the data in mongo dir is for previous versions. We should add that comment in the documentation