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92 × Eureka!so what was the solution/hack then ?
got it
Thanks @<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36>
I saw that page ... but nothing about number of worker of a queue .... or did I miss it ?
or which worker is in a queue ...
we are usign mmsegmentation by the way
I understand for cleaml-agent
What I mean is that I have 2 self deployed server. I want to switch between the 2 config when running the code locally, not inside the agent
what is the command you use to run clearml-agent ?
I am not familiar with autoscaler ... are you using the paid version of Clearml ?
@<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55> Yes, I am aware of that one. It build docker container ... I wanted to build without docker. Like when clearml-agent run in non-docker mode, it is already building the running env inside it caching folder structure. I was wondering if there was a way to stop that process just before it execute the task .py
So I tried:
import livsdk.livbatch
import clearml
task = clearml.Task.init(project_name="hieu-test", task_name='base_config')
Which give me this list of Packages Installed:
# Python 3.10.10 (main, Mar 05 2023, 19:07:49) [GCC]
# Local modules found - skipping:
# livsdk == ../[REDACTED]/livsdk/
Augmentor == 0.2.10
Pillow == 9.2.0
PyYAML == 6.0
albumentations == 1.2.1
azure_storage_blob == 12.1...
you will need to provide more context than that if you don't want the answer: Have you try to turn it off and back on again ?
nice !! That is exactly what I am looking for !!
Oh, I was assuming you are passing the entire DB backups to the cloud.
Yes, that is what I want to do.
So I need to migrate both the MongoDB database and elastic search database from my local docker instance to the equivalent in the cloud ?
can you make
use clearml.conf.server1
use clearml.conf2
?? In which case I would be intersted @<1523701087100473344:profile|SuccessfulKoala55>
Task.export_task() will contains what you are looking for.
In this case ['script']['diff']
I don;t think ClearML is designed to handle secrets other than git and storage ...
python library don't always use OS certificates ... typically, we have to set REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/path/to/custom_ca_bundle_crt
because requests
ignore OS certificates
please share your .service
content too as there are a lot of way to "spawn" in systemd
def main():
repo = "redacted"
commit = "redacted"
commit = "redacted"
bands = ["redacted"]
test_size = 0.2
batch_size = 64
num_workers = 12
img_size = (128, 128)
random_seed = 42
epoch = 20
learning_rate = 0.1
livbatch_list = get_livbatch_list(repo, commit)
lbs = download_batches(repo, commit, livbatch_list)
df, label_map = get_annotation_df(lbs, bands)
df_train, df_val = deterministic_train_val(df, test_size=test_siz...
I mean, what happen if I import and use function from another py file ? And that function code changes ?
Or you are expecting code should be frozen and only parameters changes between runs ?
do you have a video showing the use case for clearml-session ? I struggle a bit about how is it used for ?
while the other may need to be 1
instead of true
When i set output uri in the client, artefact are sent to blob storage
When file_server is set to azure:// then model/checkpoint are sent to blob storage
But the are still plot and metrics folder that are stored in the server local disk. Is it correct?
So if i spin up a new clearml server in the cloud and use the same file server mount point, i will see all task and expriment that i had on the in prem server in the cloud server?
but when I spin up a new server in the cloud, that server will have it's own mongodb and that will be empty no ?
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> I would like to point to azure blob storage, what kind of url schema should I use ? And also, where do you configure the credential for the ClearML server to access to Azure blob as file_server ? I couldn't find any documentation around this topic 😞
if you have 2 agent serving the same queue and then send 2 task to that queue, each agent should take one task
But if you queue sequentially one task then wait until that task to finish and queue the next: then it will be random which agent will take the task. Can be the same on from the previous task
Are you saying that you have 1 agent running task, 1 agent sitting idle while there is a task waiting in the queue and no one is processing it ??