{ credentials = [ { bucket: "clearml-storage" project: "my-project" credentials_json: "/path/to/creds.json" }, ] }
No - just emulating - it is more of /home/... /creds.json
How do you do so?
can't find it underclearml-agent daemon -h
Btw -after updating clearml.conf
do I need to restart the agent?
I can't see the additional tab under , and I reran the task and got the same error
If you keep it as I wrote it, you'll need to modify the sdk configuration as well so it will know to look for it in the new place
Note that I mounted the file into the container in a different location (/root/creds.json) since I'm not sure it will be a good idea to keep the original path, but you can try it out
Just to make sure I get your use-case, the agent itself is started on the host machine with the --docker
command, right?
BTW SuccessfulKoala55 we are running with
CLEARML-AGENT version 1.3.0
Well, if the path is correct, than what you're missing is the volume mount since obviously the file is not present inside the docker container
yes - the agent is running with --docker
Great - where do I define the volume mount?
Should I build a base image that runs on the server and then use it as the base image in the container?
If so, you'll need to add a volume mount that will be applied to any docker container the agent spins up. You can do that by adding this in your clearml.conf
file:agent.extra_docker_arguments: ["-v", "/path/to/creds.json:/root/creds.json"]
Hi OutrageousSheep60 , the first problem is that clearml is trying to look for /path/to/creds.json which I assume is not a correct file path
You actually have a file on the host called "/path/to/creds.json"?
i've doubled checked the Path- and it is correct
or, you can just try:agent.extra_docker_arguments: ["-v", "/path/to/creds.json:/path/to/creds.json"]
How are you configuring it? Can you share the storage related section of the clearml.conf?
Thx - it worked!
BTW - maybe it worth while to add this comment in the ClearML Agent daemon documentation - that when ever you update the clearml.conf
you need to
clearml-agent daemon --stop recreate all the daemonclearml-agent daemon ....