If the AWS machine has an ssh key installed, it should work - I assume it's possible to either use a custom AMI for that, or you can use the autoscaler instance startup bash script
Hi, SmugTurtle78
Hi, Is there any manifest for the relevant polices needed for the AWS account (if we are using autoscaling)?
I'm not sure. From my experience the autoscaler requires access to spinning instances up & down, listing instances, checking tags and reading machine logs.
You should try running with those permissions. If something is missing, you'll see it in the log 🙂
Also, Is there a way to use Github deploy key instead of personal token?
Do you mean git user/pass? How are you using a personal token?
Thanks for the answers, about the git credentials I would like to set limited access (read only) to only one specific repository , the personal token is not allows it ... Is ssh key is possible to use ? ( the autoscaling UI request personal token only)
Hi SmugTurtle78
We currently don't support GitHub deploy keys, but there might be a way to make the task use SSH (and not HTTPS), so that you could put the SSH key on the AWS machine. Please let me check if I can find such a solution, and come back to you after.